Forced to eat words,PM seeks comfort from Rudd's old Labor enemies

Forced to eat words,PM seeks comfort from Rudd's old Labor enemies

Scott Morrison apologised to Kevin Rudd,then delivered him a backhander.

  • byTony Wright


Danger above as Rudd forces Morrison to eat his own words

Danger above as Rudd forces Morrison to eat his own words

The Prime Minister has reason to fear microphones as Kevin Rudd jumps on an unforced prime ministerial blunder.

  • byTony Wright
The virtual Prime Minister keeps his trousers on but loses his head

The virtual Prime Minister keeps his trousers on but loses his head

The Prime Minister,quarantined with his personal photographer at The Lodge,attends Parliament by remote camera. It doesn't go well.

  • byTony Wright
An inside-out umbrella for an upside-down budget

An inside-out umbrella for an upside-down budget

In the time of COVID-19,nothing quite goes to plan - not even the selling of a budget.

  • byTony Wright
Could we develop a vaccine for political memory loss,urgently?
Political sketch
Coronavirus pandemic

Could we develop a vaccine for political memory loss,urgently?

Who knows how the decision was made to use private security for Victoria's quarantine system? No one,including the Premier.

  • byTony Wright
The day the nation's politicians found reason to hide behind masks

The day the nation's politicians found reason to hide behind masks

Fear of a pandemic persuades politicians to mask up,granting them a proper excuse for hiding their intentions.

  • byTony Wright
Brendan Murphy,the steady Doc who became a star,makes his exit

Brendan Murphy,the steady Doc who became a star,makes his exit

Professor Brendan Murphy,having attended the Australian bedside for months during a pandemic,appears at his last press conference as Chief Medical Officer.

  • byTony Wright
'Get off my grass'homeowner tells PM

'Get off my grass'homeowner tells PM

When wooing homeowners,be careful with the lawn. The Prime Minister gets a lesson from the mortgage belt.

  • byTony Wright
Anthony Albanese and the loneliness of the long-distance campaigner

Anthony Albanese and the loneliness of the long-distance campaigner

On the campaign trail of empty streets,Anthony Albanese has found social distancing makes the Eden-Monaro byelection an awkward affair.

  • byTony Wright
What's up with the couch-surfing O'Brien from the Nationals?

What's up with the couch-surfing O'Brien from the Nationals?

Explaining the inexplicable as Queensland MP Llew O'Brien quits the Nationals Party room.

  • byTony Wright
No festive cheer in sight on the last day of federal Parliament

No festive cheer in sight on the last day of federal Parliament

Parliament descended into hateful chaos as it closed down for the year.

  • byTony Wright