Controversial proposal recommends new skills pathways outside apprenticeships

Controversial proposal recommends new skills pathways outside apprenticeships

The Australian Productivity Commission's report says the apprenticeship pathway"can be time consuming and act as a major barrier",taking up to four years to complete.

  • byAnna Patty


Thousands of elderly wait more than 28 months for access to high-needs home care packages

Thousands of elderly wait more than 28 months for access to high-needs home care packages

A Productivity Commission report also found about 58 per cent of older people waited more than three months to enter residential aged care after being approved.

  • byRachel Clun
Tying workers to super accounts would save $1.8b in fees:Financial Services Council

Tying workers to super accounts would save $1.8b in fees:Financial Services Council

The coronavirus pandemic will leave so many workers switching jobs that the creation of new super accounts will cost hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

  • byJennifer Duke
Industry Super hits back at Morrison government's'ideological'attacks

Industry Super hits back at Morrison government's'ideological'attacks

Industry Super Australia chief says"never say never"to the return of a 2017 television scare campaign against super governance changes in which it likened big banks to foxes descending on a chicken coop.

  • byRob Harris
Systemic racism still a barrier to Indigenous Australians'wellbeing

Systemic racism still a barrier to Indigenous Australians'wellbeing

A report into Indigenous wellbeing raises some alarming areas of concern and highlights the importance of a connection to culture for Indigenous Australians.

  • byJulie Power
Australia's'bloke blindspot'- we keep overlooking the people most at risk of suicide

Australia's'bloke blindspot'- we keep overlooking the people most at risk of suicide

Men now account for seven in nine suicides. The numbers are startling,but there is some hope.

  • byPete Shmigel
Almost half of people who get 10 Medicare therapy sessions use three or fewer

Almost half of people who get 10 Medicare therapy sessions use three or fewer

Doctors also defended their treatment practices after a Productivity Commission report found mental health care'requires improvement'.

  • byRachel Clun
'Big challenge':Mental health reform needs to go beyond health system,Prime Minister says

'Big challenge':Mental health reform needs to go beyond health system,Prime Minister says

The Productivity Commission report on mental health found suicide and poor mental health costs the country $200 billion a year.

  • byRachel Clun
'Ad hoc':Wyatt to review call for major overhaul on Indigenous funding

'Ad hoc':Wyatt to review call for major overhaul on Indigenous funding

The Productivity Commission found there was little evidence of the effectiveness of $35 billion of annual funding for Indigenous affairs across health,education and welfare and called for a step-by-step guide for assessing whether money had been well spent.

  • byRob Harris
'They will have to spend':Federal health budget to hit historic high

'They will have to spend':Federal health budget to hit historic high

Tuesday's federal budget will include health measures expected to push it to a historic level of spending due to the ongoing costs of battling COVID-19.

  • byDana McCauley
Experts warn of'cascading effects'of pandemic on mental health

Experts warn of'cascading effects'of pandemic on mental health

Lifeline chairman John Brogden has warned of a coming wave of mental ill health and suicides as the coronavirus recession deepens,calling for targeted welfare support to protect the most vulnerable.

  • byDana McCauley