The couple doubled their money at the property auctions over the weekend,the five-bedroom home in Wilston last selling for $1.885 million in 2022.
Seven buyers registered,all with big dreams of turning a deceased estate with uninterrupted views and a top position into a trophy home.
A fast-paced auction ensured for the Richmond townhouse with a rooftop terrace,built by the vendor 15 years ago and then rented out.
A glass studio overlooking a dam plus cabin and homestead make the owner of the hinterland estate some serious money.
The home passed in and eventually sold to the only bidders,a young couple with two children,who negotiated the sale.
The Lindfield home already comes with four bedrooms and a pool,but a buyer paid $3.76 million at auction on Saturday just to knock it down.
He realised he was now getting paid enough to think about saving for a home - but he couldn’t have bought his place without two pieces of help.
What do you get when a former head of real estate investment banking and a deputy mayor renovate a heritage-listed home in a prestigious street?
Looking for your next home? From a penthouse at our most famous beach to the 1929-era Crabapple Cottage,we’ve got you covered.
A construction slump,a growing population,tight job markets and wage increases are set to shape the property outlook,barring any shocks.