Unions claim $1250 public sector bonus will help Queensland economy

Unions claim $1250 public sector bonus will help Queensland economy

Queensland's Council of Unions says the much-criticised $1250 public sector boost will help give the retail sector life ahead of Christmas.

  • byLucy Stone


Public servant bonus'will do nothing'for Queensland:Economist

Public servant bonus'will do nothing'for Queensland:Economist

A $1250 one-off payment for Queensland public servants won't provide the economic sugar-hit state treasurer Jackie Trad intends,an economist says.

  • byLucy Stone
Hydrogen cars to be added to government's fleet in next step to phasing out petrol

Hydrogen cars to be added to government's fleet in next step to phasing out petrol

Queensland is set to get its first hydrogen car refuelling station.

  • byFelicity Caldwell
Hunt is on to replace one of Queensland's best-paid bureaucrats

Hunt is on to replace one of Queensland's best-paid bureaucrats

Coordinator-general Barry Broe was in charge of overseeing major taxpayer funded projects

  • byLydia Lynch
Public servants sacked by Newman replaced twice over

Public servants sacked by Newman replaced twice over

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk says the government is prioritising frontline services,with most increases in health and education.

  • byFelicity Caldwell
Wanted:Applicant with fire in the belly as QFES boss heads to police

Wanted:Applicant with fire in the belly as QFES boss heads to police

The recruitment process for QFES Commissioner Katarina Carroll's replacement has begun.

  • byLucy Stone
Deputy public trustee leaves amid CEO's misconduct probe

Deputy public trustee leaves amid CEO's misconduct probe

Three senior staff at Queensland's public trustee have left the office in the wake of their executive's suspension.

  • byLydia Lynch
LNP won't rule out axing public servants to balance budget

LNP won't rule out axing public servants to balance budget

When asked if she would rule out cuts to jobs,Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington said:"let's have a look at my budget in reply speech tomorrow".

  • byLydia Lynch
New team to hunt for $700 million in savings from public service

New team to hunt for $700 million in savings from public service

Public servants'wages will make up almost half of the money the state government has to spend next year but Treasury has plans to slam on the brakes on future rises.

  • byFelicity Caldwell
Queensland'royal love child'sues government executive

Queensland'royal love child'sues government executive

A Queensland engineer who believes he is the love child of Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall has launched a legal bid to get back to work.

  • byNicholas McElroy
The average cost of Queensland's public servants rises to almost $100K

The average cost of Queensland's public servants rises to almost $100K

An audit of the Queensland government's books has revealed expenses have increased by $3 billion in one year,largely driven by employee costs.

  • byFelicity Caldwell