Good Weekend:top features of 2019

Good Weekend:top features of 2019

Every year,Good Weekend publishes the definitive stories on the people,places and issues that matter to Australians. Here,we revisit some of our reader favourites from 2019.


'I never went away':Red Symons open to full-time stint on 3AW

'I never went away':Red Symons open to full-time stint on 3AW

The former ABC presenter is due to fill-in for Neil Mitchell over the summer holidays.

  • byBroede Carmody
'I’m still coming to terms with what I’ve been through … I cry every day'

'I’m still coming to terms with what I’ve been through … I cry every day'

Red Symons is quietly recovering from two brutal years during which he lost his marriage,his job and his eldest son Samuel.

  • byPeter Wilmoth
'I will always love you':Red Symons'tribute to late son Samuel

'I will always love you':Red Symons'tribute to late son Samuel

"He was the most qualified person in the family."

  • byBroede Carmody