‘Betrayal’:First Nations warning to government over water fund pledge

‘Betrayal’:First Nations warning to government over water fund pledge

First Nations groups say it will be a betrayal if federal government follows through with a mooted plan and ditches its $40 million commitment to water rights.

  • byMike Foley


‘Breach of faith’:Money meant for Indigenous water rights could go elsewhere

‘Breach of faith’:Money meant for Indigenous water rights could go elsewhere

Indigenous groups are accusing the government of breaching their faith on a $40 million commitment to recover water rights from voluntary irrigation sellers.

  • byMike Foley
Family Court merger set to pass after government wins over key senator

Family Court merger set to pass after government wins over key senator

A key crossbench senator will now back the government’s planned merger of the Family Court with the Federal Circuit Court.

  • byKatina Curtis
Welfare recipients to spend another two years on cashless debit cards

Welfare recipients to spend another two years on cashless debit cards

Centre Alliance senator Stirling Griff abstained from a series of votes in the early hours of Thursday morning,giving the government the numbers it needed.

  • byKatina Curtis
Dipping into super for first-home deposit gains crossbench support

Dipping into super for first-home deposit gains crossbench support

Three crossbenchers have backed calls to let first-home buyers tap their superannuation for a deposit amid an ongoing debate about whether the nation's $3 trillion retirement savings pool should be used to bolster home ownership.

  • byJennifer Duke
'Disturbing'delay in recruiting Indigenous Murray Darling board member

'Disturbing'delay in recruiting Indigenous Murray Darling board member

A year after the government mandated Aboriginal representation on the Murray Darling Basin Authority board,an Indigenous member is still to be appointed.

  • byMike Foley
'An absolute mess':Pauline Hanson a wildcard on delaying superannuation rise

'An absolute mess':Pauline Hanson a wildcard on delaying superannuation rise

The One Nation leader wants a complete overhaul of the retirement system and flagged she could be convinced to support delaying the increase in super.

  • byJennifer Duke
'Very serious concerns':Crossbench threat to government's uni fee overhaul

'Very serious concerns':Crossbench threat to government's uni fee overhaul

Crossbench senators have outlined their demands as the government seeks to pass its radical changes to university funding.

  • byFergus Hunter
Rex Patrick quits Centre Alliance to sit as independent

Rex Patrick quits Centre Alliance to sit as independent

The crossbench senator has blindsided Centre Alliance colleagues by walking out of the party almost three years after he was gifted a plum Parliament seat.

  • byRob Harris
Spy watchdog may look at AFP's documents into George Christensen probe
Press freedom

Spy watchdog may look at AFP's documents into George Christensen probe

The spy watchdog may be called in to determine whether secret police documents detailing a year-long probe into Nationals MP George Christensen's frequent trips to the Philippines could jeopardise national security.

  • byJonathan Kearsley andAnthony Galloway
Don't award'tax dodging'companies major projects in wake of pandemic:Rex Patrick

Don't award'tax dodging'companies major projects in wake of pandemic:Rex Patrick

Rex Patrick says corporates paying little tax are hurting the federal budget amid the pandemic,using parliamentary privilege to call out Lendlease.

  • byJennifer Duke