Lidia Thorpe hooked voters on the idea of electing her as a strong Greens senator. Now those same voters discover they have bought something utterly different.
Psychological conditions are the most common reason Australians visit a GP. But after years of stagnant Medicare funding,GPs are struggling to remain free or open,and patients are paying the price.
Richard Di Natale is proud of what the Greens achieved in his 10 years as a senator but leaves Parliament knowing it failed at what matters most.
A virtual sitting is on the cards for Parliament but with strict rules around how MPs can join via video link – right down to what can be on their walls.
More than 46 per cent of the party's 13,143 eligible members voted on whether the party should further democratise the party's leadership elections.
The Greens' 15,000 members have begun voting on whether they will be given a direct voice in the election of future leaders.
Some drug and alcohol rehabilitation services are closing or refusing to take new admissions during the coronavirus pandemic,stoking fears for the welfare of people increasingly needing support.
Adam Bandt is only the Greens' fourth leader. His opponents say he will scare off voters,his supporters hope he will give the party a voice at the top table.
Adam Bandt knows his new job as Greens leader will take him away from home more often. But says it is worth it to tackle climate change.
CBD rail projects both above and below ground are becoming a sinkhole for the state's revenues.