Stop,operate and listen:my minor surgery was a minor attraction

Stop,operate and listen:my minor surgery was a minor attraction

At a certain age,surgical procedures become the bread and butter of conversation.

  • byRichard Glover


$7.50 for a toaster or $91.90 for a bucket of paint? The price is wrong

$7.50 for a toaster or $91.90 for a bucket of paint? The price is wrong

Does capitalism have some sort of random price generating machine at its heart?

  • byRichard Glover
Books are cooked:the eight problems I have with recipes

Books are cooked:the eight problems I have with recipes

Genuine question:why do I always have to cook it for 10 to 20 per cent longer than it says?

  • byRichard Glover
It’s my party and I’ll wear my sheepskin boots if I want to

It’s my party and I’ll wear my sheepskin boots if I want to

How have I lived for the past 40 years without owning a pair of ugg boots?

  • byRichard Glover
My grandson’s a poet and doesn’t even know it

My grandson’s a poet and doesn’t even know it

My first word was thoroughly utilitarian. Not so the first words of my tiny grandson.

  • byRichard Glover
‘It’s Sydney. We’re boiling’:A city of winter sceptics strikes again

‘It’s Sydney. We’re boiling’:A city of winter sceptics strikes again

We know our weather’s not perfect. But through chattering teeth and subzero homes,we just pretend it is.

  • byRichard Glover
How Perkins Paste and an Elvis obsession saved me

How Perkins Paste and an Elvis obsession saved me

Fandom is often portrayed as ridiculous. I prefer to think that it’s a brave heart that can show so much love.

  • byRichard Glover
The perks (and minor pitfalls) of being a grandfather

The perks (and minor pitfalls) of being a grandfather

Carrying his beloved grandson fills Richard Glover’s knees and back with pain... and the rest of him with joy.

  • byRichard Glover
The 12 things I promise to do if I become prime minister

The 12 things I promise to do if I become prime minister

Leaf blowers,tea bags,the sale of scissors - they are all gone.

  • byRichard Glover
Banning books? I’m all the better for the blood and gore of my education

Banning books? I’m all the better for the blood and gore of my education

My high school syllabus was a bloodbath of sex and death in which students were slowly marinated for six long years.

  • byRichard Glover
The perfect Mother’s Day gift - just add a ribbon

The perfect Mother’s Day gift - just add a ribbon

Back in my day,you’d bring home some misshaped clay lump,optimistically label it “an ashtray”,and await the response.

  • byRichard Glover