Peter Dutton and Anthony Albanese both want to pass a law banning children under 16 from social media,but there are misgivings in the Coalition party room.
A Senate inquiry has rebuffed calls for stricter controls on the hundreds of lobbyists who gain access to Parliament House to influence politicians.
There was no formal request for federal Games funding,despite the state’s own business case assuming Canberra would cover more than $200 million in capital expenses.
Coalition,Labor and Greens senators said PwC engaged in unethical behaviour and a “calculated breach of trust” in its handling of the tax leak scandal.
Ex-minister Richard Colbeck has taken aim at Tennis Australia for “taking the wrong advice” about Novak Djokovic’s entry to Australia a year ago.
There is growing concern that the thousands of deaths in aged care this year have not been properly scrutinised.
Qld minister Mark Furner has brushed off comments by former federal sports minister Richard Colbeck about the Palaszczuk government’s Games progress.
Aged care providers are calling for prioritised childcare and migration incentives to draw people back into the workforce.
Aged Care Services Minister Richard Colbeck has backed workers’ push for a pay rise and says the Coalition’s new funding model will cover the costs.
UnitingCare has called for the next government to fund the increase being sought by the Health Services Union as sections of the national workforce prepare to strike in the lead-up to the May 21 federal election.