Northern beaches Liberals were deep in the Pittwater byelection when nominations for the federal seat closed.
The Liberal Party’s federal executive voted to include Rob Stokes on a committee to take over the NSW division. Stokes was shocked to read about it in the Herald,then declined to accept.
Party president Don Harwin will lose his position,as a federal committee which includes former NSW minister Rob Stokes takes charge of the NSW Liberals.
Senior Liberal Rob Stokes is throwing his support behind Georgia Ryburn to nominate for the seat of Pittwater,vowing he would “back her every step of the way”.
NSW’s longest-serving premier is reigniting the squabble over prized green space in the city’s densely populated eastern suburbs.
Former NSW government minister Rob Stokes has been a man of leisure since he left politics. Now he has his sights set on an unusual fix to the housing crisis.
“Hard density is being imposed on Sydney not through public consensus,but rather because it is structurally and politically easier to do,” former minister Rob Stokes says.
With less than two weeks to go until polling day,soon-to-be Liberal retirees should contemplate their next career move.
The NSW government will trial a “strata for the street” program to bring Sydney’s Chinatown up to the standard of those in New York and Los Angeles.
Infrastructure giant Lendlease says the government should require future developments to contain at least 30 per cent affordable,social and build-to-rent homes.