Midnight in America:The true state of play in the US election is about to unfold

Midnight in America:The true state of play in the US election is about to unfold

Trump is more popular now than were the last two one-term presidents.

  • byBruce Wolpe


Altered States:how a superpower stopped being great

Altered States:how a superpower stopped being great

From Morning in America to American Carnage,the sweep of history suggests Donald Trump’s presidency is more culmination than aberration.

  • byNick Bryant
Advance Australia fair? To recover from COVID,reset social policy

Advance Australia fair? To recover from COVID,reset social policy

The nation has an opportunity to live up to its claims of egalitarianism.

  • byJohn Hewson
Payne keeps a healthy distance from Trump on China
Mike Pompeo

Payne keeps a healthy distance from Trump on China

The foreign affairs minister has flown to Washington for talks but she was careful not to toe the US line.

  • The Herald's View
Thatcher and Reagan? He must be Joshing us

Thatcher and Reagan? He must be Joshing us

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is having delusions of grandeur if he's suggesting he'll have the courage to attempt anything like the bold reforms attributed to his political heroes.

  • byRoss Gittins
Why is the Treasurer taking inspiration from Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan?

Why is the Treasurer taking inspiration from Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan?

Remember'Reaganomics'and the neoliberal policies of the Thatcher era? Why are they being invoked today?

  • byJessica Irvine
Free market ideology puts economy ahead of society

Free market ideology puts economy ahead of society

The Morrison government is retreating to ideology when fresh thinking is required to find an economic path out of recession.

Scott Morrison’s'deflect blame,take the credit'shtick is wearing thin

Scott Morrison’s'deflect blame,take the credit'shtick is wearing thin

Even Scott Morrison’s harshest critics admit that the Prime Minister has not been hamstrung by ideology in responding to COVID-19.

  • byNick Dyrenfurth
Frydenberg's free-market muttering lacks coherence

Frydenberg's free-market muttering lacks coherence

It’s one thing to invoke Thatcher and Reagan – it’s another thing entirely to try and emulate them.

  • byJohn Ruddick
Thatcherism's divisiveness lives on in bruised memory

Thatcherism's divisiveness lives on in bruised memory

By invoking Margaret Thatcher's policies as a path back to economic growth,Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is ignoring the social damage and division they caused.

Dr Anthony Fauci's face will soon be on a bobblehead

Dr Anthony Fauci's face will soon be on a bobblehead

The museum in Milwaukee picked Fauci because many people see the plain-speaking expert on the coronavirus as a hero right now.