Morrison government's big stick should be pointing at itself

Morrison government's big stick should be pointing at itself

Australia is facing uncertain times with no energy policy or substantial plan for dealing with shocks such as the attack on the Saudi refinery.

  • byPeter Hartcher


Australian oil and gas stocks soar after Saudi Arabia attack

Australian oil and gas stocks soar after Saudi Arabia attack

On Monday the broader ASX finished flat,but its energy contingent held strong.

  • byHamish Hastie
US'locked and loaded'after Saudi attack,says Trump

US'locked and loaded'after Saudi attack,says Trump

Trump said he had also authorised the use of the US emergency oil stockpile to ensure stable supplies after the attack.

  • byRoberta Rampton andArshad Mohammed
'Game changer':Crude oil surges over 10pc following Saudi attacks

'Game changer':Crude oil surges over 10pc following Saudi attacks

An attack on a major oil processing facility in Saudi Arabia has led to a spike for crude oil prices.

  • byDavid Scutt
The Saudi oil refinery attack could be a Pearl Harbour moment

The Saudi oil refinery attack could be a Pearl Harbour moment

The way multiple relatively inexpensive drone devices were apparently able to pierce Saudi defences in a way that a traditional air force could not has the potential to change modern warfare.

  • byAlan Levin
Intelligence suggests Iran behind Saudi refinery strike,says US

Intelligence suggests Iran behind Saudi refinery strike,says US

The officials say the intelligence shows that the strikes are inconsistent with the kind of attack that would have been launched from Yemen.

  • byRoberta Rampton
Pompeo blames Iran for'devastating'Saudi oil strike

Pompeo blames Iran for'devastating'Saudi oil strike

One of the most devastating strikes into Saudi territory has escalated tensions between the US and Iran.

  • byKareem Fahim andSteven Mufson
Yemen rebels claim responsibility for strikes on Saudi oil facilities

Yemen rebels claim responsibility for strikes on Saudi oil facilities

Production of 5.7 million barrels of crude oil is suspended by a major attack on the Saudi state-run oil giant Aramco,which was claimed by Yemen's Houthi rebels.

  • byKareem Fahim andSteven Mufson
Drone attacks strike major Saudi oil facilities

Drone attacks strike major Saudi oil facilities

The explosion set off a huge fire at one of the two Saudi Aramco sites,the Saudi Interior Ministry said.

  • byJon Gambrell