Disadvantaged students rare at select-entry schools

Disadvantaged students rare at select-entry schools

Victoria’s select-entry high schools educate almost no Indigenous students and just 4.5 per cent of their students are disadvantaged,raising concerns underprivileged teens are missing out on the elite state schools.

  • byMadeleine Heffernan


Selective schools try to harness power of old school tie

Selective schools try to harness power of old school tie

Students at wealthy private schools benefit from strong alumni networks,and now selective schools are trying to enlist the support of their old boys and girls.

  • byJordan Baker
New selective school tests focus more on literacy,less on schoolwork

New selective school tests focus more on literacy,less on schoolwork

The tests,to be sat for the first time on Thursday,will put less emphasis on classroom assessment in a bid to be more inclusive of disadvantaged,disabled and female students.

  • byJordan Baker
A new measure of success for WA students beyond NAPLAN and ATAR

A new measure of success for WA students beyond NAPLAN and ATAR

The falling number of West Australian students choosing ATAR and the ever-expanding pathways to university has education researchers searching for more ways to measure student success.

  • byLauren Pilat
'Nice and hard':Experts review the new selective schools test

'Nice and hard':Experts review the new selective schools test

Anagrams are out,harder comprehension questions are in,and the thinking skills paper will be difficult to finish for students sitting the new selective school test.

  • byJordan Baker
Changes to selective school test to favour different kind of student
High school

Changes to selective school test to favour different kind of student

Thinking skills will be the focus of the new selective schools test,which experts say will tilt it in favour of critical and creative thinkers.

  • byJordan Baker
Australia's problem with'try hards'at heart of selective schools coaching criticism

Australia's problem with'try hards'at heart of selective schools coaching criticism

Few look at a star football player and remark bitterly:“Well,his mother was taking him to training since he was four.” But when it comes to academic performance,it's a different story.

  • byRosalind Walsh
Chance to ensure selective school places go to those who deserve them

Chance to ensure selective school places go to those who deserve them

The key problem with the selective high school test in NSW is that it is not identifying the students with the most potential.

  • The Herald's View
Girls,disadvantaged students under-represented in selective schools

Girls,disadvantaged students under-represented in selective schools

The number of students with disabilities being offered places at selective schools tripled this year,but,like other disadvantaged groups,they remain under-represented,new figures show

  • byJordan Baker andNigel Gladstone
Selective school tests go digital in biggest shake-up in 30 years

Selective school tests go digital in biggest shake-up in 30 years

English company Cambridge Assessment will write the new selective tests,which will be delivered by Janison in a $5.5 million,five-year deal.

  • byJordan Baker
School or sanctuary? The truth behind the'tiger mother'stereotype

School or sanctuary? The truth behind the'tiger mother'stereotype

One parent told author Christina Ho that migrant parents would be"negligent"to simply let their kids play after school.

  • byJordan Baker