Prince William takes the children to watch Taylor Swift at Wembley on his birthday

Prince William takes the children to watch Taylor Swift at Wembley on his birthday

The Prince,who is celebrating his 42nd birthday,is believed to have booked a private box to mark the occasion alongside Prince George,10,Princess Charlotte,nine,and Prince Louis,six.

  • byVictoria Ward


I mentored the next British PM. Here’s what Australians need to know about him

I mentored the next British PM. Here’s what Australians need to know about him

Keir Starmer does not have the charisma of Boris Johnson or Tony Blair,but charisma in politicians is much overrated.

  • byGeoffrey Robertson
Brexit will dominate the UK election. Not this one,but the next

Brexit will dominate the UK election. Not this one,but the next

Labour looks set to return to government in Britain on July 4. But the party will do that without a policy to reverse Brexit,even though many Brits now acknowledge it was a mistake.

  • byGeorge Brandis
Crossover moment:Farage’s party outperforms Sunak’s Tories in polls for first time

Crossover moment:Farage’s party outperforms Sunak’s Tories in polls for first time

Many conservative MPs are terrified Farage’s Reform Party will put the final nail in their coffin,not by winning their seat but by taking enough votes to hand power to Labour.

  • byRob Harris
‘I intend to lead a political revolt’:Farage stuns with shock UK comeback

‘I intend to lead a political revolt’:Farage stuns with shock UK comeback

The arch-Brexiter’s decision coincided with a new opinion poll predicting a Tory wipeout,showing Labour on track for the largest election win for 100 years.

  • byRob Harris
There are no fun facts about the next UK PM,but that’s his strength

There are no fun facts about the next UK PM,but that’s his strength

Sir Keir Starmer looks certain to lead Britain with the most left-wing Labour government on economic matters since Harold Wilson was PM.

  • byGeorge Brandis
Not buy the book:Morrison’s new memoir a local ratings flop

Not buy the book:Morrison’s new memoir a local ratings flop

Publishing industry data reveals the former PM’s religious memoir has failed to strike a chord with Australian book buyers.

  • byKishor Napier-Raman andNoel Towell
Sunak v Starmer:The difference between the men who want to run Britain

Sunak v Starmer:The difference between the men who want to run Britain

The contenders in the much anticipated July election will be doing their best to argue the other guy can’t be trusted.

  • byWilliam Booth
Britain’s best hope is a PM with the charisma of frozen peas

Britain’s best hope is a PM with the charisma of frozen peas

A boring prime minister in Keir Starmer may be the best Britain can hope for if it’s to end the omnishambles era.

  • byNick Bryant
Besides rain and bad polls,Sunak also must contend with ghosts
UK election

Besides rain and bad polls,Sunak also must contend with ghosts

Two key figures,adored and detested by their respective tribes in equal measure,will make life harder for Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer.

  • byRob Harris
Sunak calls snap UK election as Conservatives face thrashing at poll

Sunak calls snap UK election as Conservatives face thrashing at poll

In power since 2010,the Tories have tanked in opinion polls on the back of a post-COVID cost-of-living crisis and successive political scandals.

  • byRob Harris