And Nabiac gets ready to rock.
Katherine Bennell-Pegg,who has graduated from the European Space Agency,is the first person to train as an astronaut under the Australian flag.
Homeowner Alejandro Otero said “I was completely in disbelief. What are the chances of something landing on my house with such force to cause so much damage”.
For almost four minutes there’s nothing but ethereal serenity. All I can see in the distance is the black silhouette of the moon surrounded by the pearly glow of the sun’s corona.
It was the continent’s biggest eclipse audience ever,with a couple of hundred million people living in or near the shadow’s path.
Dark energy was assumed to be a constant force throughout cosmic history. New data suggests it’s more changeable,possibly upending long-standing doom predictions.
US government is asking for a plan by the end of 2026 for setting what it calls a Coordinated Lunar Time to avoid mishaps in space.
There are plans to send a submarine to explore an unusual trench off California after dozens of sailors,submariners and military personnel told of unidentified craft in the water.
Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov said,in English:“Very good to see you!” Stafford voiced the same sentiment in Russian,but in a broad Oklahoma accent.
The project is designed to offer the most persistent,pervasive and rapid coverage of activities on Earth.
Elon Musk’s company came within minutes of completing a crucial test on its third try,but the biggest and most powerful rocket ever built was lost as it descended back to Earth.