'Where is Boris':British PM hopefuls take aim at absent frontrunner Johnson

'Where is Boris':British PM hopefuls take aim at absent frontrunner Johnson

With frontrunner Boris Johnson keeping a low profile,other candidates are presenting their cases for leadership of the Conservative Party.

  • byElizabeth Piper


A disorienting sight to an Australian:How the UK got on with the climate change challenge

A disorienting sight to an Australian:How the UK got on with the climate change challenge

This week Theresa May's government set a target of zero net emissions by 2050. By Australian standards,the response was staggering.

  • byNick O'Malley
Bigger than Brexit:Theresa May's parting shot is a gift to the world

Bigger than Brexit:Theresa May's parting shot is a gift to the world

Historians might judge Theresa May's plea for zero emissions by 2050 to matter more than her illfated Brexit travails.

  • byAmbrose Evans-Pritchard
Zero emissions:UK aims to be first of G7 with'ambitious'target

Zero emissions:UK aims to be first of G7 with'ambitious'target

Legislation will be put before Parliament on Wednesday to amend the existing climate change act to incorporate the new target.

  • byNick Miller
'Perverse to ignore such advice':Top Tory MP sounds warning on Huawei
Huawei ban

'Perverse to ignore such advice':Top Tory MP sounds warning on Huawei

Prominent Brexiteer says it would be"perverse"for Britain to do anything but follow the lead of Australia and the United States.

  • byLatika Bourke
UK should refuse to pay Brexit divorce bill,says PM contender Johnson

UK should refuse to pay Brexit divorce bill,says PM contender Johnson

Boris Johnson,the favourite to succeed Theresa May,said he would withhold the UK's EU exit payment – a move that drew an immediate rebuke from France.

  • byWilliam James andMichel Rose
Hang on. Didn't Theresa May quit? There's a good reason she's still PM
Brexit chaos

Hang on. Didn't Theresa May quit? There's a good reason she's still PM

Though Theresa May promised to resign as party leader on Friday June 7,she will continue in the job until her successor is chosen in late July. Probably.

  • byNick Miller
Official in charge of Brexit borders resigns

Official in charge of Brexit borders resigns

She was the lead coordinator across the British government on ensuring a"frictionless"border after Brexit. Borders were a major reason for Brexit in the first place.

  • byGuy Faulconbridge
Ex-Defence secretary urges Theresa May to shelve Huawei decision until new PM is elected
Huawei ban

Ex-Defence secretary urges Theresa May to shelve Huawei decision until new PM is elected

Sir Michael Fallon said the decision was too important to be made in the dying days of the prime minister's tenure.

  • byLatika Bourke
They fought on the beaches:Queen hails her'resilient'D-Day heroes

They fought on the beaches:Queen hails her'resilient'D-Day heroes

'It was all hell let loose.'Veterans remember the extraordinary experience of D-Day as world leaders and the Queen gather to salute them 75 years on.

  • byNick Miller
World leaders gather to mark D-day invasion that liberated Europe

World leaders gather to mark D-day invasion that liberated Europe

Britain has promised"unprecedented commemorations"in Portsmouth.