The auditor-general has warned that prolonged operating losses and cash deficits are not financially sustainable following a review of the state’s reports for the past financial year.
The state government spent nearly $10 billion on 161 projects – including the Commonwealth Games dispute – using a secretive fund known as the treasurer’s advance.
The state government has received $1.73 billion from the Transport Accident Commission over the past six years,bolstering its own coffers with more cash than the state-owned insurer spent on road safety upgrades.
Alfred and Monash Health run some of the largest hospitals in the state,but an attempt by the government to enforce budgets has had a dire impact on their books.
The budget plan to manage pandemic debts by temporarily expanding taxes has led Treasurer Tim Pallas to pull cash from government agencies. Water authorities were targeted the most.
Treasurer Tim Pallas wants Melbourne to host the controversial Land Forces weapons expo again – but maybe not in the inner-city.
The dire financial state of health services last year has been exposed in correspondence showing the state government went within days of being unable to pay the bills.
The treasurer has slammed the Albanese government’s plan to slash the numbers of international students and warned of unintended consequences.
The Allan government will also give owners corporations stronger powers to limit or ban short-stay accommodation after negotiations with the crossbench.
Treasurer Tim Pallas was told the state’s ability to deliver a pipeline of major projects could be cruelled by soaring wages and materials costs.
Grassroots Labor members say they are “deeply concerned” by the mooted sell-off of the Registry of Births,Deaths and Marriages.