$12.8 million tax driving investors to ditch Queensland homes

$12.8 million tax driving investors to ditch Queensland homes

Craig Smith was stung more than $10,000 without warning via the absentee land tax.

  • byFelicity Caldwell


Hospital car parking contracts should be renegotiated:LNP

Hospital car parking contracts should be renegotiated:LNP

LNP deputy leader Tim Mander says hospital car parking contracts should be renegotiated to tackle costs for patients and families.

  • byFelicity Caldwell
Public service bill leaps amid coal-fuelled boom

Public service bill leaps amid coal-fuelled boom

Shadow Treasurer Tim Mander has argued Queenslanders expect better services for their buck when it comes to the public sector.

  • byFelicity Caldwell
Queensland's debt bill to hit more than $83 billion in three years

Queensland's debt bill to hit more than $83 billion in three years

Queensland Treasurer Jackie Trad has revealed an update to the state's budget,with spending,including the cost of public servants,to rise.

  • byFelicity Caldwell
LNP wants Galilee Basin royalties stashed in investment fund

LNP wants Galilee Basin royalties stashed in investment fund

The opposition has sought Labor support for its proposal to invest the royalties into a fund so benefits are"preserved for future generations".

  • byFelicity Caldwell
LNP concerns human rights laws will'open the floodgates'to bikies

LNP concerns human rights laws will'open the floodgates'to bikies

LNP deputy leader Tim Mander also expressed scepticism about human rights laws saying he was not sure which rights were being contravened now that needed protecting.

  • byFelicity Caldwell
The worst suburbs for debts from unpaid tolls and fines in Queensland

The worst suburbs for debts from unpaid tolls and fines in Queensland

The total debt to the State Penalties Enforcement Registry has risen to $1.23 billion.

  • byFelicity Caldwell
Tussle over a key Cross River Rail contract's due dates

Tussle over a key Cross River Rail contract's due dates

The opposition has questioned whether a key Cross River Rail contract has been delayed but the government insists it is on track.

  • byFelicity Caldwell
LNP leader defends deputy's'Comical Ali'comments

LNP leader defends deputy's'Comical Ali'comments

LNP leader Deb Frecklington says her deputy's comparisons of the Treasurer with Saddam Hussein's propaganda king were"absolutely not"racist.

  • byFelicity Caldwell
Trad slams'racist'comparison with Hussein's hapless propaganda man

Trad slams'racist'comparison with Hussein's hapless propaganda man

LNP deputy leader Tim Mander likened the Treasurer to"Comical Ali",the propaganda chief for former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

  • byFelicity Caldwell
Queensland drops again as South Australia overtakes us in CommSec report

Queensland drops again as South Australia overtakes us in CommSec report

The opposition claims the gap between Queensland and the top-performing states is widening.

  • byFelicity Caldwell