Russia and China support Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro while the US and its allies recognise opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim president.
Venezuela is in chaos as rival rulers face off with another. Other nations are weighing in too. How did it come to this?
The US is warning pilots to use caution when flying to or over Venezuela because of civil unrest there.
US Vice President Mike Pence is set to announce"concrete steps"and"clear actions"to address the Venezuela crisis when he meets regional leaders.
President Nicolas Maduro danced at a pro-government rally and mocked the US as Vice-President Mike Pence prepared to meet opposition leader Juan Guaido.
A high-stakes bid by the Venezuelan opposition to transport aid into the country turned deadly as government forces opened fire on a group of volunteers.
Embattled Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro claims there is no crisis amid growing uncertainty as to whether the supplies will be allowed to cross the border.
The political crisis in Venezuela shows that Latin America has again become an arena in which rival powers struggle for influence and advantage.
The world is now watching whether Maduro's government will let the first shipments from United States cross its borders.
The US is boosting pressure on socialist leader Nicolas Maduro to step down,but Venezuela's ally Russia is warning against"destructive meddling".
Opposition leaders hope large protests - with international sanctions - will push Nicolas Maduro to negotiate his exit or prod the military to force him out.