Victorians care about the environment. Here’s how the parties stack up

Victorians care about the environment. Here’s how the parties stack up

This is the first state election where both major parties in Victoria have agreed we should cut emissions by 50 per cent. So what are the rest of their policies?

  • byMiki Perkins


More and more hospital beds:Health promises lack vision

More and more hospital beds:Health promises lack vision

Unfortunately,2022 looks like another election where neither major party is offering a 21st-century vision for a better health system.

  • byStephen Duckett
Schools are desperate for teachers and Emma wants to work,but who will care for her son?

Schools are desperate for teachers and Emma wants to work,but who will care for her son?

It’s a conundrum facing many regional communities – schools need teachers and local businesses need staff,but those willing to work can’t because childcare is scarce and housing is too expensive for workers in the sector.

  • byNicole Precel
No teeth,scurvy diagnoses:Cost of living drives food bank pressures

No teeth,scurvy diagnoses:Cost of living drives food bank pressures

Away from the theatrics of the campaign trail,the most pressing issue for Victorians this election - the cost of living - is on stark display at lines at Melbourne food relief centres.

  • byBianca Hall andRachael Dexter
Suburban Rail Loop:the right track or ‘extravagance and folly’?

Suburban Rail Loop:the right track or ‘extravagance and folly’?

The first circular rail line through Melbourne’s eastern suburbs was a disaster. Will the Suburban Rail Loop repeat history or secure the city’s future?

  • byPatrick Hatch
Coalition needs to watch its language as integrity campaign comes to a head

Coalition needs to watch its language as integrity campaign comes to a head

The Coalition’s biggest challenge in Victoria is to appear to be a credible party of government. Some of its latest claims undermine that effort.

  • byPaul Sakkal
‘Cease and desist’:Liberals accuse electoral commission of ‘interfering’ in Victorian election

‘Cease and desist’:Liberals accuse electoral commission of ‘interfering’ in Victorian election

The Liberal Party has demanded that the VEC stop “interfering” in the state election after the body directly contradicted Opposition Leader Matthew Guy’s claims that he had fully complied with a donor scandal investigation.

  • bySumeyya Ilanbey
What will the election mean for the cost of housing?

What will the election mean for the cost of housing?

Melbourne’s house prices have risen 24 per cent since the last Victorian election,and experts want the issue on the agenda.

  • byMelissa Heagney
‘Not top of the list’:How Labor’s appetite for voting reform fell by the wayside

‘Not top of the list’:How Labor’s appetite for voting reform fell by the wayside

Support to overhaul the group voting system grew on Thursday after a leaked video showed so-called “preference whisperer” Glenn Druery brazenly spruiking his cash-for-seats business.

  • byPaul Sakkal
Peak-hour protest looms as battle for future of Sydney Road heats up

Peak-hour protest looms as battle for future of Sydney Road heats up

A cyclists’ protest on one of Melbourne’s busiest arterial road comes as the Greens release budget office costings showing the price tag for level crossing removals.

  • byClay Lucas
Fiscal reality bites Victoria’s spend,spend,spend election campaign

Fiscal reality bites Victoria’s spend,spend,spend election campaign

Global credit rating agency Standard&Poor’s says Victoria has the weakest fiscal position of any Australian state since it started keeping records in the 1980s.

  • byChip Le Grand andJosh Gordon