Donald Trump

Trump wants to shut America off from the rest of the world

If Donald Trump wins the election and follows through on his economic threats,it could destroy a system that has been in place since the end of World War II.

  • Stephen Bartholomeusz


Donald Trump’s economic policies would do enormous harm to the US.

If Trump wins,Australia’s economy tanks

World-leading research into Donald Trump’s key economic policies shows they would cause huge damage to the US – and Australia wouldn’t escape unscathed.

  • Shane Wright
Donald Trump in Las Vegas on August 23.

What will happen to your mortgage if ‘tariff man’ Trump wins the White House

Many countries would respond to Trump’s tariff hike with tit-for-tat trade restrictions. That would increase the cost of goods and services traded internationally,stoking inflation.

  • Matt Wade
The federal government paid $100,000 to economist Brian Fisher to review its economic modelling on net zero.

Author of Labor ‘wrecking ball’ report hired for government net zero modelling

The author of a report used by the Coalition to slam Labor in the 2019 election has been hired by the federal government to help model net zero economic impacts.

  • Mike Foley
Former Reserve Bank governor Bernie Fraser.

Former RBA governor says immigration putting ‘downward’ pressure on wages

Former Reserve Bank governor Bernie Fraser has backed up Philip Lowe’s view that high levels of immigration have contributed to low wages growth.

  • Jennifer Duke
The role and importance of the central bank is little understood,but a number of economists and experts are claiming it has failed the country.

The central bank under fire:Has the RBA failed Australians?

The role and importance of the central bank is little understood,but a number of economists and experts are claiming it has failed the country.

  • Shane Wright
The Morrison government is quelling a push from the Nationals’ backbench to avoid setting a net zero emissions target for 2050.

No law to set target:Ministers stare down Nats’ complaint on carbon

Federal ministers are planning to neutralise a backbench threat on climate change by making sure any net zero emissions target will not be mandated by law.

  • David Crowe,Mike Foley andNick O'Malley
The future rate of JobSeeker is under scrutiny from the government and social services groups.

The two issues policymakers have to grapple with on JobSeeker

Amid the worst recession since the Great Depression,some businesses and Coalition MPs are warning that employers can't fill vacant jobs.

  • Jennifer Duke
A deserted Bourke Street in Melbourne's CBD. Economists and the RBA say the nation's economic recovery depends on bringing the spread of the coronavirus under control.

Road to recovery hinges on controlling COVID-19:RBA and economists

Prominent economists have penned a public letter backing the approach of governments to stop the spread of the coronavirus first.

  • Shane Wright