Fraser Anning lashes out after he was egged by teenager

Fraser Anning lashes out after he was egged by teenager

Senator Fraser Anning has lashed out at a teenager who hit him on the back of the head with an egg.

  • byPaul Sakkal


'Disgusting':Morrison slams Senator's comments on Christchurch massacre

'Disgusting':Morrison slams Senator's comments on Christchurch massacre

Scott Morrison has led a swift and strong repudiation of Queensland Senator Fraser Anning,who linked Muslim immigration to the terror attacks in New Zealand.

  • byLatika Bourke
Back to work:here’s what you missed when you were sitting on the beach

Back to work:here’s what you missed when you were sitting on the beach

We've collected the biggest stories from the holiday period so you can get up to speed with the conversations around the water cooler this week.

  • byMatt Bungard&Jenny Noyes
How Australia's far-right were divided and conquered - by themselves

How Australia's far-right were divided and conquered - by themselves

The far-right has cycled through many enemies over the years but their biggest threat comes from division and hatred within.

  • byMax Koslowski
Fraser Anning's new party name to face challenge from the Nationals

Fraser Anning's new party name to face challenge from the Nationals

There are concerns the party's name,the Conservative Nationals,is too similar to the Nationals.

  • byMax Koslowski
Churn factor:One third of the Senate has been wiped out since the last election

Churn factor:One third of the Senate has been wiped out since the last election

Senate churn since the 2016 election set to be largest since Ben Chifley was prime minister

  • byShane Wright
Fraser Anning defends taxpayer bill for travel based on wife's volunteering

Fraser Anning defends taxpayer bill for travel based on wife's volunteering

Independent senator Fraser Anning claimed the highest amount for family travel.

  • byFelicity Caldwell
'He invited himself':Fraser Anning twice billed taxpayers more than $5500 for overnight trips

'He invited himself':Fraser Anning twice billed taxpayers more than $5500 for overnight trips

The Queensland senator flew business class to Perth to meet farmers,and travelled to Melbourne for"electorate duties".

  • byMichael Koziol&Max Koslowski
Condemning Fraser Anning sets the bar too low

Condemning Fraser Anning sets the bar too low

Rejecting Nazism is the bare minimum for a tolerant society.

Fraser Anning billed taxpayers thousands to attend two more far-right events

Fraser Anning billed taxpayers thousands to attend two more far-right events

Scott Morrison has attacked the Queensland senator for associating with"extreme and offensive racist views".

  • byMax Koslowski&Michael Koziol
Fake facts and normalising extremists:why it was right to jump all over Fraser Anning

Fake facts and normalising extremists:why it was right to jump all over Fraser Anning

Fraser Anning’s presence at St Kilda as a member of Federal Parliament,and the way he spoke about the rally,represented an effort to normalise these guys by denying the bleedingly obvious.

  • byDavid Wroe