Fraser Anning is a symptom of the sickness overrunning Australian politics

Fraser Anning is a symptom of the sickness overrunning Australian politics

Fraser Anning,who won his seat in the federal Senate on the back of 19 votes,represents no one I know. But his racist,bigoted and hateful comments say as much about our political process as they do about him.

  • byMadonna King


Fraser Anning set Australia's Parliament a test. It passed

Fraser Anning set Australia's Parliament a test. It passed

The Katter's Australian Party senator's words were so divisive that they served to galvanise the rest of the Parliament into unifying.

  • byPeter Hartcher
Anning aimed to'out-racist One Nation':Qld Greens senator

Anning aimed to'out-racist One Nation':Qld Greens senator

Fraser Anning’s speech draws bipartisan criticism across Qld politics.

  • byStaff reporter
MP wants Fraser Anning to meet Queensland Muslims

MP wants Fraser Anning to meet Queensland Muslims

Queensland Senator Anning was widely criticised for his first speech on Tuesday night,when he linked Muslim communities to terrorism and used the term"final solution".

  • byEd Jackson
Senator honours White Australia Policy in first speech and calls for'final solution'on immigration

Senator honours White Australia Policy in first speech and calls for'final solution'on immigration

Katter's Australian Party Queensland senator Fraser Anning advocated a return to a race-based immigration program and a ban on all Muslim migrants.

  • byMichael Koziol
Former One Nation senator Fraser Anning joins Bob Katter's party

Former One Nation senator Fraser Anning joins Bob Katter's party

Senator Anning cut himself loose from Pauline Hanson's party to sit as an independent on the Senate crossbench in November.

  • byLisa Martin
Support for Dutton's South African refugee intake plan from Queensland MP

Support for Dutton's South African refugee intake plan from Queensland MP

A Queensland backbencher has criticised the South African government,while former One Nation senator Fraser Anning described the violence as"genocide".

  • byFelicity Caldwell
One Nation defector courts Nationals with spirited defence of Barnaby Joyce

One Nation defector courts Nationals with spirited defence of Barnaby Joyce

Is Fraser Anning"auditioning"to join the Coalition,potentially delivering the Turnbull government another Senate vote?

  • byAdam Gartrell