Afterpay rival proposes industry database to stop further regulation
Personal Finance

Afterpay rival proposes industry database to stop further regulation

Afterpay rival,FlexiGroup,is proposing a customer database to detect debt-laden customers to head off any further regulation of the booming sector.

  • byColin Kruger


Afterpay rival Zip doubles revenue ahead of Senate report

Afterpay rival Zip doubles revenue ahead of Senate report

Revenue doubled,but with the Senate inquiry into the booming buy now,pay later sector due to report on Friday,all eyes were on another number.

  • byColin Kruger
Time to pay? Aussies owe more than $900m on Afterpay-style services

Time to pay? Aussies owe more than $900m on Afterpay-style services

Buy now pay later services like Afterpay have escaped being treated as credit providers just in time for Christmas.

  • byCharlotte Grieve&Colin Kruger
Before and after (pay):fintech firms target fragile self esteem

Before and after (pay):fintech firms target fragile self esteem

Personal finance expert Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon answers your questions.

  • byNicole Pedersen-McKinnon