There's more to the Outback than Uluru.

There's more to the Outback than Uluru.Credit:iStock

Here's the thing about the Australian outback:it's big. It's really,really big. It's probably bigger than even most Australians realise.

This is an area that covers more than 80 per cent of the country. That's more than 6 million square kilometres. That's an area twice the size of India. The outback is 10 times as big as France.

And what's contained in that area is so much more diverse than many visitors initially believe. Yes,you'll find the classic red dirt and barren terrain that the outback is so commonly associated with. But you'll also find wetlands that stretch to the horizon. You'll find deep gorges and spectacular waterfalls. You'll find rugged mountain ranges,coastal woodlands,lush rainforests,and even beaches.


In short,you'll find one of the most amazing places in the entire world. And yet how much of it have we even discovered?

On this episode of Flight of Fancy,the podcast,I'm joined by fellow writers Sue Williams and Georgia Rickard to attempt to cover the Australian outback,that almost mystical stretch of land that holds so much,and of which we know so little. The trio are going to investigate this amazing place:what is it? Where is it? What can you do there? Where can you go? And where to you have to avoid?

A new episode of Flight of Fancy will drop every fortnight this year,so don't miss out. Subscribe to Flight of Fancyon iTunes or your favourite podcasting app.

You can listen to the newest episode below or via your podcasting app.


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