The Arctic and Antarctic are otherworldly places of furious extremes,where unfamiliar rhythms and patterns will keep you in a perpetual state of wonder.
Polar snorkelling is a unique way to experience the White Continent. But something doesn’t feel right this morning.
This a magnificently located airport,but any sense of wide-open space and adventure is abandoned at the entrance.
An Australian company is offering sightseeing flights to the icy continent to give people a taste of icebergs,glaciers and giant mountains. Promotional video from Antarctica flights.
Sightseeing flights over the coldest,windiest and driest continent give you an insight into its huge mountains – and get you back in the same day.
Last summer,the famous Penguin Post Office was off-limits due to the threat of avian flu,so its workers got creative.
This far-flung chilly city will warm your heart with crab feasts,colourful murals and some of the best baked goods around.
Hands up if you’re a part-time explorer? From a polar plunge to an end-of-the-world expedition in pure comfort,we’ve got you covered.
I’m doing what is surely the shortest journey you can have while cruising this remote corner of the world. But there’s still time to be overwhelmed.
Last year the Hanse Explorer clocked up a staggering 65,555 kilometres,many of which were racked up during charters for the rich and famous.