What's your idea of the perfect short break:coastal,gourmet,urban,romantic,luxury,nature,family or country? Good Weekend editor Lauren Quaintance picks the best of the best from our annual guide. All you have to do is pack your bags.
From harvest festivals to street car cred,Lee Atkinson explores some crowd-pleasing events.
Stanthorpe Large and prosperous township on the New England Highway near the NSW border. Stanthorpe is a remarkably attractive town set in the middle of a rich,mixed farming area where rural activities range from vineyards,wineries and orchards to sheep and cattle grazing. Located on the New England Highway 223 km from Brisbane via Warwick,56 km north of Tenterfield and 811 m above sea level,Stanthorpe is unusually cool for Queensland. In winter the night time temperatures in the town often fall below zero - the average minimum temperature for July is 0.3°C. In fact the town once recorded -14.6°C - the coldest temperature ever recorded in the Sunshine state.
A quiet service centre in the Darling Downs.
Jo Hegerty straps on her hiking boots and walks with the ghosts of bullockies and pioneers.
Inglewood Small and typical rural service centre. Located 271 km south-west of Brisbane and 284 m above sea level Inglewood is a typical rural service town. Once an important tobacco growing town,a past which is evocatively recalled with a thoroughfare named 'Tobacco Road',it is now a service centre for a mixed agriculture area.
Goondiwindi Prosperous service centre on the Queensland-New South Wales border. Located 805 km from Sydney and 362 km from Brisbane (or so the prominent and interesting road sign on the corner of the main street declares),Goondiwindi is 216 m above sea level. It is a rambling Queensland settlement which spreads for kilometres around the old Customs House on the banks of the Macintyre River.
Pittsworth Attractive and historic township south-west of Toowoomba. Located 169 km south-west of Brisbane via the Warrego Highway,41 km south-west of Toowoomba and 518 m above sea-level,Pittsworth presents itself to the world as a town with lots of interesting buildings and places of historical importance. Unfortunately this presentation is not matched by the quiet reality of an attractive town of tree-lined streets where there are only a few interesting buildings.
Jondaryan (including Acland) A well constructed tourist attraction which recreates a 19th century Queensland rural township. Located 172 km west of Brisbane and 43 km from Toowoomba,Jondaryan is a superb example of a tiny,unimportant settlement exploiting its one famous and important old historical building and creating an entire tourism industry out of it.