A prayer for Hong Kong:its political freedom just expired

For Hong Kong,this isn’t the beginning of the end;itis the end. Political freedom in Hong Kong has expired. The pro-democracy bloc of legislators are resigning en masse on Thursday after four more colleagues were barred from sitting in LegCo,Hong Kong’s semi-elected Parliament.

Previous disqualifications of members of the Legislative Council at least went through the courts,however kangaroo they may now be. The legal basis for this latest barring of four elected representatives is simply that the Chinese Communist Party says so. Matters have slid steadily in that direction since the imposition on Hong Kong of a National Security Law on June 30 this year.

The MPs at a news conference on Wednesday to announce their mass resignation,which became effective on Thursday.

The MPs at a news conference on Wednesday to announce their mass resignation,which became effective on Thursday.Bloomberg

Hong Kong’s partially democratic political system has been stacked in favour of the pro-Beijing camp since the 1997 handover,with only half of the members of LegCo democratically elected and the rest almost entirely controlled by the CCP. It is a sad indictment on British rule that even as the sun was setting on the last remnant of Empire,Hong Kong has never experienced full democracy. This has played right into Beijing’s hands – why should the CCP allow what the supposedly liberal democracy of Britain would not?

A lack of affinity or familiarity with democracy is one reason why a chunk of Hong Kong’s electorate votes into LegCo a handful of anti-democratic,pro-Beijing legislators to accompany the undemocratically appointed half of the legislature that is also loyal to communist China. Hence an unerringly pro-Beijing government of Hong Kong with reliable support within LegCo has long-been all but assured.

What the pan-democrats did maintain,until yesterday,was a large enough presence to veto proposed amendments to the Basic Law,Hong Kong’s constitution,for which two-thirds of LegCo are required to vote to carry changes through.

The Basic Law,agreed between Britain and China ahead of the handover,stipulates that the"one country,two systems"principle should underpin the territory’s governance until at least 2047. But when that agreement was reached in 1984,China was not the power it is today – indeed it was ranked eighth for GDP,with Britain fifth. Xi Jinping’s China is a superpower,and superpowers rewrite rules without retribution.

Chief Executive Carrie Lam has dismissed accusations that LegCo will now become a rubber-stamp body,citing that within the pro-Beijing camp there are different voices to contest differing points of view. Andrew Leung,the theoretically neutral President (akin to Speaker) of LegCo,concurs that the pro-Beijing camp will have all the opposition it needs from within itself.

In last year’s local district council elections,de facto referenda on the pro-democracy protests,pan-democratic candidates swept the board in a landslide,backing the pro-Beijing camp further into a corner. Playing by the rules was failing China’s communist regime – and authoritarian regimes are not happy losers.

Only a radical shift in approach could secure the kind of control that Xi’s China sought. This year’s imposition of the National Security Law in effect made opposition illegal:thenceforth,the CCP could define"unpatriotic behaviour"however it wished.

From protesters to lawyers,democracy advocates have in recent months deleted their social media accounts and many have fled abroad. From the media to the universities,censorship increasingly pervades public life,as new politically appointed bosses narrow the parameters of acceptability. Some staff have been pushed,others jumped.

The public radio broadcaster,Radio Television Hong Kong – for which I worked until two years ago,and which long had free rein – is now closely monitored by the authorities. On the current affairs panel show that I used to co-host,RTHK presenters now encourage listeners to call in using a pseudonym,if they so wish.

Students are being called upon – including by Beijing’s former chief executive of Hong Kong C Y Leung – to inform on teachers who criticise the CCP or permit discussion of Hong Kong independence within their classrooms. Books written by pro-democracy authors have disappeared from the shelves of public libraries.

China’s copy of the totalitarian playbook is well worn,and now Hong Kong's own government is becoming as authoritarian as its mainland masters.

Henceforth,it’s clear that the pro-Beijing side can remove anyone it pleases from LegCo,should any more dissenting voices be heard. And it has already been mooted that district councillors will be next in the firing line – such a purge would leave the pro-Beijing camp unopposed at all levels of governance.

As I write this,about 5am Hong Kong time,I’m listening to RTHK’s English radio station proffer the type of solace that dissenters within Nazi Germany once turned to. In the Third Reich,dissenters gathered in cellars and backrooms to the sounds of music the Nazis disapproved of,such as jazz. RTHK’s presenter-less overnight playlist ranged narrowly,and I assume deliberately,fromBridge Over Troubled Water toSay a Little Prayer – which I certainly shall.

Paul Letters is a journalist and novelist who lived in Hong Kong for 18 years until last year. His latest novel,The Slightest Chance,is set in China and Hong Kong.

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