Boris Johnson signals retreat on Huawei amid backlash on Chinese investment

London: Boris Johnson has given his strongest signal yet that Britain will reverse permission for Huawei to grow its involvement in the country's 5G networks amid a hardening of opposition to Chinese investment on both sides of parliament.

"On Huawei,I’m not against investment in this country,"the Prime Ministertold London'sEvening Standard.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson dismissed criticism on Wednesday of his government's plans to implement local lockdowns if there are flare-ups of the novel coronavirus and of an app to trace the spread of the virus.

"This is an open market economy but I don’t want to see our critical national infrastructure at risk of being in any way controlled by potentially hostile state vendors.

"So,we have to think very carefully about how to proceed now."

Johnson - who describes himself as a Sinophile - just six months agodefied urgings from Australia and the Trump administration to block the Chinese vendor over fears of spying.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under pressure to take a harder line on China.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under pressure to take a harder line on China.Getty

The decision wasmet with anger in Washington but also bya significant number of Johnson's backbench,where opposition to the Prime Minister has swelled to the point where it isall but certain he will be defeated in the Commons, despite his landslide 80-seat majority secured in December.

To stave off parliamentary humiliation,Johnson in Maysubjected his January approval of Huawei to a new national security review, which is widely expected to recommend a time-frame for the removal of Huawei equipment in line with the rebels'demands.

But the revolt is unlikely to be the last;Beijing's behaviour in Hong Kong and towards the Uighurs hastwice united MPs from right across the political spectrumthis week against the idea of any new Chinese investment,particularly in critical infrastructure.

MPs from Labour,the Scottish National Party,the Liberal Democrats and the Conservative Party are demanding the government adopts tougher measures thanthe offer of citizenship to 3 million Hong Kongers,as a show of force to Beijing.

The demands include an immediate ban on Huawei,blocking a Chinese state-owned company from owning a stake in a second nuclear plant,an audit of all British government procurement of Chinese goods andMagnitsky legislation to declare sanctions on Chinese officials who abuse human rights.

Successive British governments have been appallingly naive in their policies towards China.

Nick Timothy,former chief of staff to Theresa May

Nick Timothy,who served as chief of staff to former prime minister Theresa May,triedunsuccessfully to stop China's state-owned CGN's investment in Britain's newest nuclear plant in 2016.

He said Britain had dramatically - and belatedly - shifted from the days of the Golden Era in Sino relations sought by David Cameron and former chancellor George Osborne.

"Successive British governments have been appallingly naive in their policies towards China,"he said.

"The pandemic,and China’s actions towards Hong Kong,are both shifting opinion in parliament.

"Now we need a new strategy backed by strong policies to free us from dependence on Beijing."

Unlike when Timothy was at Number 10,his view is now widely shared across the Commons.

Labour wants a complete phase-out of Chinese investment and involvement in 5G and nuclear,while the other opposition parties have joined calls for a boycott on Chinese investment.

The Scottish National Party's Alan Brown said Britain's dependence on Chinese investment had made it weak to respond to Beijing's human rights abuses.

"The reality is that global Britain is so weak with regard to China because it is reliant on CGN for nuclear and on Huawei for 5G,"Brown told Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab.

"If he wants to prove me wrong,will he rule out any future deals with CGN for nuclear power stations?"

AfterHSBC backed Beijing's security law,it is not just Chinese companies being targeted.

This weekthe government warned companies to reexamine their supply lines to ensure they are not complicit in Beijing's human rights abuses against Uighurs in Xinjiang,amid claims China is waging "demographic genocide" against the Muslim minority peoples.

"Surely all countries and all institutions must understand that this is a moment when you have to pick a side:either you can be on the side of,and stand with,Hong Kong and the joint declaration,or you choose to stand with the Chinese Communist Party,"Liberal Democrat MP Alistair Carmichael said.

Four US departments have also cautioned American businesses of the"reputational,economic and legal risks"of doing business with entities that engage in human rights abuses in Xinjiang and broader China.

The government advisory warned that companies caught benefiting from forced labour as well as aiding Beijing's repression and surveillance in Xinjiang could result in violations of domestic law.

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Latika Bourke is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based in London.

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