Brexit is a futile tragedy that will be reversed in a few years

Brexit represents the catastrophic failure caused by Britain's"unwritten constitution"and a radically unbalanced and unequal federal arrangement (the"union"of England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland). While the government and Parliament restrained themselves within the conventions,an appearance of normality was sustained.

But when factions on the far wings,right and left,of the main political parties saw an opportunity to seize the agenda on the UK's relations with the rest of Europe,they did – especially on the right. This was the Brexit referendum offered by then prime minister David Cameron to quieten – as he thought – the far right wing of his Conservative Party.

9NEWS Europe Correspondent Ben Avery is outside 10 Downing Street as Boris Johnson delivers his first speech as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

It’s essential to note two things:

Despite all the noise and dust,there is no majority for Brexit in the UK. In the referendum the Brexit vote was 37 per cent of the total electorate – 26 per cent of the population – which,by the way the figures for votes cast on the day fell out,gave a 51.89 per cent “win” for Brexit. (Note that had this been the proportion of the total electorate it would still not be enough to trigger vast constitutional change in most civilised states in the world.There are scarcely any where a simple majority,let alone a small one,would permit this:for such a change,a supermajority would be required,of 60 per cent or 66 per cent either of votes cast or the entire electorate.

Almost 5 million people were excluded from the franchise.This included 16 and 17-year-olds,expatriate British citizens who had lived abroad for more than a certain number of years,and EU citizens resident in the UK and paying their taxes there. Almost all of these groups – as we know from polling – would have voted for Remain,giving a pro-EU majority in excess of 54 to 55 per cent.

Moreover,the Leave campaign committed electoral fraud,was prosecuted for it,and has since had to pay fines and costs of almost $500,000. A High Court judge said that if the referendum had not been “advisory only” it would have had to be voided because of these crimes.

Note that Theresa May lost her parliamentary majority in a general election in 2017 trying to get a mandate for Brexit.

What is happening now,with Boris Johnson as the “dead cat” (distraction operation) Prime Minister,is a desperate last effort by the Brexiters to drag the UK out of the EU.

The three years since the referendum have shown a) the extremely serious economic impact of leaving the EU and b) the strength of feeling in the majority of the populace for remaining in the EU.

The Brexiters’ endeavour to use the spurious “mandate” of the referendum to get the UK out has run through three prime ministers,three governments,and a lost election so far;they know if they can’t do it now they never will. It’s their last chance;demographics and history are strongly against them.

Brexit chaos is looming in the UK.

Brexit chaos is looming in the UK.AP

Finally,why do the factions on the far right and left want Brexit?

Regarding the right:in January 2020 new EU laws come into force stopping EU citizens from holding funds in offshore tax havens. The backers of Brexit are high net worth interests with billions offshore.

Regarding the left:the old unreconstructed 1960s left (than which there is nothing more conservative ... the dull-witted Corbyn et al) sees the EU as a capitalist conspiracy.

If any form of Brexit happens,it will not last. It will be reversed in a matter of a few years at most. Sheer demographics guarantee it:the under-50s in the UK are strong Europeans. So Brexit is futile – but hugely damaging. It is an unforgivable constitutional debacle. But it shows the way to very necessary reform in the politics and constitution of the UK.

The underlying weakness of the “Westminster Model” of parliamentary democracy is a danger to Australia,New Zealand,Canada,South Africa,India,and nearly 50 other ex-British Empire countries around the world. The UK is the first to fall apart because it hasn’t papered over the cracks with some constitutional adjustments,as in Australia and elsewhere.

A C Grayling is a British philosopher,author and commentator. His forthcoming book,The Good State,explores the weakness of the Westminster model and its danger to former British colonies and will bepublished by Oneworld in February.

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