Ecuadorians to let US officials'help themselves'to Assange's gear

London: Julian Assange's belongings from his time living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London will be handed over to United States prosecutors on Monday,according to WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is in custody in the UK.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is in custody in the UK.AP

Ecuadorian officials are travelling to London to allow US prosecutors to"help themselves"to items including legal papers,medical records and electronic equipment,it has been claimed.

WikiLeaks says United Nations officials and Assange's lawyers are not allowed to be present.

Lawyers say it is an illegal seizure of property,which has been requested by the US authorities. The material is said to include two of Assange's manuscripts.

The Australian was dragged out of the embassy last month and is serving a 50-week prison sentence for bail violations.

He faces an extradition request from the US next month.

"On Monday,Ecuador will perform a puppet show at the embassy of Ecuador in London for their masters in Washington,just in time to expand their extradition case before the UK deadline on 14 June. The Trump administration is inducing its allies to behave like it's the Wild West,"said Kristinn Hrafnsson,editor in chief of WikiLeaks,on Sunday.

Baltasar Garzon,international legal co-ordinator for the defence of Assange and WikiLeaks,has urged international bodies to intervene in what he called"an unprecedented attack on the rights of the defence,freedom of expression and access to information".

"It is extremely worrying that Ecuador has proceeded with the search and seizure of property,documents,information and other material belonging to the defence of Julian Assange,which Ecuador arbitrarily confiscated,so that these can be handed over to the the agent of political persecution against him,the United States,"Garzon said.


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