'Kissing hands':The arcane traditions when Britain changes PM

On Tuesday one of two men – Boris Johnson or Jeremy Hunt – will become the UK’s new prime minister. By all reports,it’s most likely to be Johnson.

The rules on how the changeover will happen are part unwritten constitution,part hidebound tradition,and partly up to those involved.

Here’s how the week will pan out.

The red carpet is rolled out outside 10 Downing Street.

The red carpet is rolled out outside 10 Downing Street.AP

The vote

On Monday Tory officials will tally up the tens of thousands of postal votes from the party's 160,000-odd members. They will attempt to keep the result secret until the next day.

On Tuesday,likely at 11am (8pm in Australia),the Conservative Party is expected to reveal the result.

The winner will be declared the new leader of the party.

However that man will not yet be prime minister.

The last hurrah

On Wednesday,at noon local time,Theresa May will step up to the Dispatch Box for her last prime minister’s question time in the House of Commons.

It’s not usually a very testing moment.

David Cameron displays a photo of himself and Larry the government's Chief Mouser during a lighthearted final session of prime minister's questions before he resigned.

David Cameron displays a photo of himself and Larry the government's Chief Mouser during a lighthearted final session of prime minister's questions before he resigned.AP

In 2016 David Cameron opened with a joke ("Other than one meeting this afternoon with Her Majesty the Queen,the diary for the rest of my day is remarkably light") and batted most questions away with a laundry list of his governments'achievements.

Jeremy Corbyn wished him well as he left office,asking him to thank his mum for advice on"ties,suits and songs".

Cameron’s last words to Parliament as prime minister were"I was the future once".

The resignation

Theresa May might then make a final statement outside 10 Downing Street – last week Downing Street insiders said it had not yet been decided whether she would. If it does happen it's likely to be short (and possibly emotional).

She will then make the short journey to Buckingham Palace to see the Queen and tender her resignation as prime minister and first lord of the treasury (last time,Samantha Cameron also came along).

She will also advise the Queen on her successor.

Kissing the Queen

Soon after,the new Tory party leader will go to the palace to,as they say,"kiss hands"and become prime minister. He will be the Queen’s 14th – her first was Winston Churchill.

What happens between them is kept private. The official court circular for the last time this happened – July 13 2016 – says “Her Majesty received in audience the Rt Hon. Theresa May MP and requested her to form a new Administration. The Rt. Hon. Theresa May MP accepted the Queen's offer and kissed hands upon her appointment as Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury”.

Theresa May kneels before the Queen at Buckingham Palace,where the monarch invited May in 2016 to become Prime Minister and form a new government.

Theresa May kneels before the Queen at Buckingham Palace,where the monarch invited May in 2016 to become Prime Minister and form a new government.AP

However according to the official palace website there is no actual kissing of hands at this point. It happens later,at the next meeting of the Privy Council (a group of senior politicians convened by the Queen who have some powers not exercised by ministers in cabinet).

There,according to theRoyal Encyclopedia,a Privy Council appointee"kneels on a footstool in front of the Queen,who proffers her right hand,palm downwards with fingers lightly closed. The new Privy Counsellor or minister will extend his or her right hand,palm upwards and,taking the Queen’s hand lightly,will kiss it with no more than a touch of the lips".

In the past,Benjamin Disraeli used the opportunity of a kiss to declare to Queen Victoria he did it"in loving loyalty and faith".

Labour left icon Tony Benn revealed in his diaries he"put my thumb out and kissed my thumb"when inducted into the Council. And republican Jeremy Corbyn let it be known he didn't want to kneel,and the Queen reportedly didn't insist.

The choice

Is the Queen bound to choose whomever Theresa May recommends?

She would certainly take the advice seriously. But the constitutional convention is,instead,that the Queen must find someone who can command confidence of the House of Commons.

She will ask the new Tory leader if they can do this.

As the Conservatives are the party of government,they will say they can,and the Queen is very unlikely to demur.

The ‘Love Actually’ moment

The new PM then goes to 10 Downing Street,and they usually make a speech before going in.

It sets out their hopes for the job – Theresa May said she would fight against"burning injustice"and"make Britain a country that works for everyone".

They then go through the famous big black door.

Civil servants and the new PM's political staff will line the corridor to applaud his arrival,though it's not as exuberant as the scene inLove Actually,a Downing St insider said. Some will have just come from saying farewell to colleagues (though the civil servants in Number Ten traditionally carry on,there will be a changeover of the political team).

The cabinet secretary and principal private secretary will lead the new PM to the cabinet room.

There are reportedly a few secret protocols to learn:he will write"letters of last resort"instructing nuclear submarine commanders on how to respond to an attack on the UK,and list which ministers get a space in the nuclear bunker.

He will get a quick briefing from the security services.

And he will begin the process of setting up his new government:sacking most of Theresa May’s cabinet and appointing his senior ministry. Jobs like the defence secretary,chancellor,foreign secretary and home secretary are a priority;minor ministries could be left to the next few days.

He will also field phone calls of congratulation from world leaders.

And he will end his day. The Mays may not yet have moved out,so he might not spend Wednesday night in his new home (known to insiders as"the flat above the shop").

The Parliament

The House of Commons goes into its summer recess at the end of Thursday,and won’t return until September 3.

The new PM is expected (though not compelled) to be there. It is up to the Labour opposition whether they will use that day to test if the new prime minister has the confidence of the Parliament. Under British law if the new PM doesn’t win he will have just 14 days to win a subsequent confidence vote before a general election is automatically called.

Leading Conservative Party leadership candidate Boris Johnson.

Leading Conservative Party leadership candidate Boris Johnson.AP

The new PM is most likely to win such a vote if it happens.

However as leader of a minority government he must count on the vote of the Northern Irish DUP.

The confidence and supply agreement between the Conservative Party and the DUP’s final clause says clearly it lasts"for the length of the Parliament"– that is,until the next election. And Conservatives insist it will still be in place under the new administration.

However the deal includes clauses about regular reviews,and DUP leader Arlene Foster has said that,while she is prepared to work with either Conservative candidate,she would talk to the new PM about the agreement and strike a new deal"to move things forward".

So there could be some quick,tense talks with the DUP before the confidence vote,if there is one.

The new PM is also going to have to deal with dissent in his own ranks. Current (but,not for long) Chancellor Philip Hammond has hinted he would consider voting against a Boris Johnson government if the new PM pushed for a no-deal Brexit. But it is very unlikely he,or other colleagues,would move against the new PM within a day of his appointment.

Nick Miller was Arts Editor of The Age. He was previously The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald's Europe correspondent.

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