Shot in the arm for Europe's pandemic fight as vaccines are rolled out

Madrid: European Union countries launched a massive COVID-19 vaccination drive on Sunday as elderly people and medics lined up to be protected against a virus that has claimed more than 1.7 million lives worldwide.

"Thank God,"96-year-old Araceli Hidalgo said as she became the first person in Spain to be vaccinated. She told staff at her care home in Guadalajara,near Madrid,that she hadn't felt a thing."Let's see if we can make this virus go away."

Araceli Hidalgo,96,becomes the first person in Spain to receive a vaccine dose. She is pictured at the Los Olmos care home in Guadalajara,near Madrid,on Sunday.

Araceli Hidalgo,96,becomes the first person in Spain to receive a vaccine dose. She is pictured at the Los Olmos care home in Guadalajara,near Madrid,on Sunday.Getty Images

In Italy,the first country in Europe to record significant numbers of infections,29-year-old nurse Claudia Alivernini was one of three medical staff at the head of the queue for the shot developed by Pfizer and BioNTech.

"It is the beginning of the end ... it was an exciting,historical moment,"she said at Rome's Spallanzani hospital.

The EU – home to some 450 million people – has secured contracts with a range of suppliers for more than 2 billion vaccine doses and has set a goal for all adults to be inoculated during 2021. Germany's BioNTech has so far sent an initial 12.5 million doses to EU countries.

Josefa Perez,89,after being vaccinated against coronavirus at a nursing home in the Hospitalet de Llobregat in Barcelona,Spain,on Sunday.

Josefa Perez,89,after being vaccinated against coronavirus at a nursing home in the Hospitalet de Llobregat in Barcelona,Spain,on Sunday.AP

While Europe has some of the best-resourced healthcare systems in the world,the sheer scale of the effort means some countries are calling on retired medics to help,while others have loosened rules for who is allowed to give the injections.

With surveys pointing to high levels of hesitancy towards the vaccine in countries from France to Poland,leaders of the 27-country EU are promoting it as the best chance of getting back to something like normal during 2021.

"We are starting to turn the page on a difficult year,"Ursula von der Leyen,President of the European Commission,which is co-ordinating the programme,said in a tweet."Vaccination is the lasting way out of the pandemic."

Jumping the gun

After European governments were criticised for failing to work together to counter the spread of the virus in early 2020,the goal this time is to ensure that there is equal access to the vaccines across the region.

But even then,Hungary on Saturday jumped the gun on the official roll-out by starting to administer shots to frontline workers at hospitals in the capital,Budapest.

Slovakia also went ahead with some inoculations of healthcare staff on Saturday,while a small number of people at a care home in Germany were also vaccinated a day early.

"We don't want to waste that one day that the vaccine loses shelf life. We want to use it right away,"Karsten Fischer,from the pandemic staff of the Harz district in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt,told local broadcaster MDR.

The distribution of the Pfizer-BioNTech shot presents tough challenges. The vaccine uses new mRNA technology and must be stored at ultra-low temperatures of about -70 degrees Celsius.

A German Red Cross worker carries a thermo container to pick up the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at a nursing home in Grossraeschen.

A German Red Cross worker carries a thermo container to pick up the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at a nursing home in Grossraeschen.Getty Images

Beyond hospitals and care homes,sports halls and convention centres emptied by lockdown measures will become venues for mass inoculations.

In Italy,temporary solar-powered healthcare pavilions designed to look like five-petalled primrose flowers – a symbol of spring – have sprung up in town squares.

Pedro Pires waited for a shot with other nurses at Lisbon's Santa Maria hospital at the end of a 10-hour overnight shift."It has been tiring ... a lot of work,"he said.

Branka Anicic,a resident of a care home in Zagreb and the first person to get a shot in Croatia,was delighted."I'm happy I will now be able to see my great-grandchildren,"she said.

New variant offers fresh challenge

The vaccination drive is all the more urgent because of the concern arounda new variant of the virus linked to a rapid expansion of cases in Britain. In recent days,Sweden and France have also detected cases of the variant.

So far,scientists say there is no evidence to suggest vaccines will be any less effective against it.

In Spain,doses were being delivered by air to its island territories and the North African enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. Portugal is establishing separate cold storage units for its Atlantic outposts of Madeira and the Azores.

In France,a 78-year-old former domestic worker,who gave her name as Mauricette,said she was moved when she received the first vaccination outside tests in the country. Staff around her in the Rene-Muret hospital in the Parisian suburb of Sevran broke into applause.

Seventy-eight-year-old Mauricette,who did not give her surname,after being vaccinated at the Rene-Muret hospital in Servan,near Paris,on Sunday.

Seventy-eight-year-old Mauricette,who did not give her surname,after being vaccinated at the Rene-Muret hospital in Servan,near Paris,on Sunday.AP

In the Czech Republic,Prime Minister Andrej Babis was at the head of the queue. In Austria,three women and two men over 80 got the vaccine at the Medical University of Vienna as Chancellor Sebastian Kurz looked on.

"We are at war,but our weapon has arrived and it is in these small vials,"the head of Bulgaria's anti-virus taskforce,General Ventsislav Mutafchiiski said after getting his vaccination in Sofia.

Outside the EU,Britain,Switzerland and Serbia have already started vaccinating their citizens in recent weeks.


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