'A fool':Trump derides Portland mayor for getting tear-gassed

US President Donald Trump has derided Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler as"a fool"for having joined protesters in his city objecting to the presence of federal agents deployed by Trump and getting tear-gassed in the process.

"He made a fool out of himself,"Trump said during an appearance on Fox News."He wanted to be among the people. So he went into the crowd. And they knocked the hell out of him. That was the end of him. So it was pretty,pretty pathetic."

President Donald Trump said the Portland mayor was made to look like a fool for being tear-gassed.

President Donald Trump said the Portland mayor was made to look like a fool for being tear-gassed.Bloomberg

Wheeler came to the protest,he said,to stand with protesters in the face of what he has described as an"occupying force"in a city that the President has described as"worse than Afghanistan".

For days,Wheeler,Oregon Governor Kate Brown,a Democrat,and other state and local officials have demanded Trump withdraw the surge of federal officers from the Pacific North-west city,where protests have continued for more than 50 straight nights.

Wheeler choked on tear gas late on Wednesday as he stood outside the federal courthouse in downtown Portland,where federal agents set off explosives and fired chemicals into a crowd of hundreds.

As Wheeler stood at the fence,he was heckled and insulted. Some demonstrators called for his resignation. Others,who had been tear-gassed by the Portland Police Bureau over the past eight weeks,shouted questions at the mayor.

In a tweet earlier on Thursday before his interview with Fox News's Sean Hannity,Trump referred to Wheeler as a"Radical Left Mayor of Portland,"writing that he was"booed&shouted out of existence by the agitators&anarchists."

The Washington Post

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