Federal officers on Portland,Oregon streets alarm US House leaders

Portland,Oregon: Top leaders in the US House said on Sunday they were “alarmed” by the Trump administration’s tactics against protesters in Portland,Oregon,and other cities,including Washington,DC,and called on federal inspectors general investigate.

Militarised federal agents deployed by the President to Portland,Oregon,fire tear gas at protesters.

Militarised federal agents deployed by the President to Portland,Oregon,fire tear gas at protesters.AP

“This is a matter of utmost urgency,” wrote House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler,Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie G. Thompson,and Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney,in a letter to the inspectors general of Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security.

The Democratic lawmakers are seeking an investigation “into the use of federal law enforcement agencies by the Attorney-General and the Acting Secretary of Homeland Security to suppress First Amendment protected activities in Washington,DC,Portland,and other communities across the United States.”

The mayor of Oregon's largest city said on Sunday the presence of federal agents is exacerbating tensions in Portland,which has seen nearly two months of nightly protests since the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Speaking on CNN'sState of the Union,Democratic mayor Ted Wheeler said federal officers “are not wanted here. We haven't asked them here. In fact,we want them to leave.”

President Donald Trump has decried the demonstrations,and Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf blasted the protesters as “lawless anarchists” in a visit to the city on Thursday.

Militarised federal agents fire tear gas in Portland,Oregon.

Militarised federal agents fire tear gas in Portland,Oregon.AP

“We are trying to help Portland,not hurt it,” Trump tweeted on Sunday. “Their leadership has,for months,lost control of the anarchists and agitators. They are missing in action. We must protect Federal property,AND OUR PEOPLE. These were not merely protesters,these are the real deal!”

Late on Saturday,protesters broke into a building,set it on fire and started dumpster fires,police said.

The fire at the Portland Police Association building was put out a short time later,Portland police said on Twitter. The department declared the gathering a riot,and began working to clear the downtown area.

“As the crowd was dispersed,several people in the crowd were arrested and officers were able to extinguish the fire. Portland Police did not use any CS gas,” the bureau said in a statement early on Sunday.

Tear gas was deployed,according to pictures and video from the scene,but it was not necessarily CS gas. Fencing that had been placed around the federal courthouse had also been removed by protesters and made into barricades,police tweeted.

Police said protesters had gathered on Saturday evening at the Portland Police Bureau’s North Precinct,vandalising patrol vehicles and taunting officers as they reported for work. Later,as police dispersed a group that had gathered near North Interstate Avenue,people threw rocks and paint-filled balloons at officers. Some were injured,the statement said.

Before the aggressive language and action from federal officials,the unrest had frustrated Wheeler and other local authorities,who had said a small cadre of violent activists were drowning out the message of peaceful protesters in the city. But Wheeler said the federal presence in the city is now exacerbating a tense situation.

A group of mothers stand arm-in-arm outside the Justice Centre in Portland,Oregon.

A group of mothers stand arm-in-arm outside the Justice Centre in Portland,Oregon.AP

"What we're seeing is a blatant abuse of police tactics by the federal government,Wheeler said on Sunday.

Oregon Attorney-General Ellen Rosenblum sued Homeland Security and the Marshals Service in federal court late on Friday. The complaint said unidentified federal agents have grabbed people off Portland’s streets “without warning or explanation,without a warrant,and without providing any way to determine who is directing this action.”

Rosenblum said she was seeking a temporary restraining order to “immediately stop federal authorities from unlawfully detaining Oregonians.”

However,federal officers and Portland police advanced simultaneously on demonstrators to clear the streets early on Saturday,making arrests as protesters threw bottles and pieces of metal fencing.

The action by Portland's police was condemned by Jo Ann Hardesty,a prominent member of the City Council. Hardesty said on Saturday that local police “joined in the aggressive clampdown of peaceful protest.”

Hardesty also slammed Wheeler,telling the mayor he needed to better control local law enforcement. Hardesty,who oversees the city's fire department and other first-responder agencies,said in an open letter to Wheeler if"you can’t control the police,give me the Portland Police Bureau.”

In a statement on Saturday,Portland Police said as they responded to the overnight protests some federal agencies took action “under their own supervision and direction.” Portland Police said city officers arrested seven people,and one officer sustained a minor injury.


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