There’s another metric applied to women pursuing leadership:'electability'

In 2013,novelist Claire Messud was asked if she’d want to be friends with the main character of her novelThe Woman Upstairs. Her answer – which began with the fierce rebuke of “for heaven’s sake,what kind of question is that?” – provoked a debate in the literary world about why,exactly,we expect only our women characters to be likeable. “Would you want to be friends with Humbert Humbert?” Messud continued,referring to the creepy narrator of Lolita. “Hamlet? Oedipus?”

The ensuing controversy echoed the moment in a presidential debate back in 2008 when Barack Obama declared his opponent,Hillary Clinton,to be “likeable enough”. It was a rare misstep from the soon-to-be president but Obama nonetheless shone a spotlight on what we demand from women,versus men,when it comes to politics.

For so long,the everyman’s proverbial test of an aspiring politician was whether he’d like to have a beer with the candidate. Over the past few years,“likeability” became another way of saying the same thing,dressed in more acceptable garb for the new sober-curious millennium.

But now there’s another metric applied to women who want to lead:“electability”,a ubiquitous cry through the never-endingDemocratic primary season over here in the US. The funny thing about electability is that it only applies to the elderly white men left standing in the race,one of whom recently had a heart attack,and another who is not always sure what day it is.

Sure,they also happen to have won the most votes so far,but the awful thing about a concept like “electability” is its circular logic,that in passing into conventional wisdom it becomes fated,a destiny impossible to alter once enough cable TV bloviators declare it to be so.

Likeable,electable. Women can be both those things – up until the moment they decide to pursue power.

The candidate who suffered the most from “electability concerns” was Elizabeth Warren,a Harvard law professor and senator who,once a frontrunner in the US presidential race,dropped out earlier this month.

Despite also being in her 70s,like the men left in the race,Warren was never anything but terrifyingly with-it and relentlessly energetic. (“I had some apple slices backstage and they are hitting me like COCAINE!” announced Kate McKinnon in a pitch-perfect,wild-eyed Warren impersonation onSaturday Night Live late last year.) Even her critics acknowledged Warren had a plan for just about every major problem facing the US,including coronavirus. And yet:well-prepared,motivated,intelligent,Warren was deemed “unelectable”.

Maybe it’s not as simple as sexism. After all,some pundits have suggested that there are two women,who if they decided to run,could save the Democratic Party from defeat:Oprah and Michelle Obama. Here’s why I’m sceptical of that theory. When Warren decided not to run in 2016,progressive men I knew explained that they didn’t have a problem with women running for office,just Hillary Clinton.

“If Elizabeth Warren ran,I’d vote for her in a heartbeat,” was a common refrain. And recall that Hillary herself experienced her highest approval ratings not while serving as a senator for the state of New York or as Secretary of State,but instead immediately after stepping down from those roles. There is apparently nothing more appealing than a woman competent enough to lead us all,but who chooses not to.

Likeable,electable. Women can be both those things – up until the moment they decide to pursue power.

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