This turkey of a presidency is cooked

Environment and Climate Editor

Insisting again the election was"a fraud"on Thursday,Donald Trump allowed that should the electoral colleges gather on December 14 to vote for President-elect Joe Biden – as they will – he would leave the White House. This might be the closest thing we get to a formal concession from Trump,a moment to pause and look back over the past extraordinary three weeks,and the (very long) four years or so before.

It brings to mind an observation made by George W. Bush on the day of Trump's inauguration. Trump had just sworn his oath and made his address,a dismal oration now known simply as"the American carnage speech"in which the new President abandoned convention and used his moment to worry rather than heal the rifts exposed by the long election campaign. As dignitaries left the dais on the Capitol's west front,Bush leant over to Hillary Clinton and muttered in her ear:"Well,that was some weird shit."

Donald Trump claims he will leave the White House peacefully if the electoral college decides Joe Biden has won the presidency.

And it was. The speech was weird and vituperative and the presidency that followed was at its very best resentful,solipsistic and lazy. Its signal legislative achievement was auniquely unpopular tax cut that benefited the nation's richest citizens and compounded the social inequality that lubricated its rise.

Since then Trump has overseen the most catastrophic response to the coronavirus pandemic in the world and the death of 260,000 of his fellow citizens. Otherwise the mark of Trump's presidency has been his chaoticungoverning,of undoing the actions of his predecessors while actively turning a polarised people against itself and trashing America's place in the world.

But it is in the past three weeks that Trump has really bared his teeth at the Republic he still leads. He used his media proxies to question the legitimacy of the election,all the while milking supporters for donations to support pointless legal actions against various state votes that he lost.

It's not yet clear how much damage Trump has done to the functioning of democracy in the United States since the election,though it's clearly significant.

"He convinced millions of his gullible followers that the election was fixed,"the director of the University of Virginia's Centre for Politics,Larry Sabato,told me this week."Not only is there no proof of that,it is flat wrong. I've followed our elections closely since the 1960s,and this one was carefully scrutinised and remarkably well run,considering record mail voting and the pandemic."

This week Trump pardoned two turkeys,Corn and Cob,both from Iowa,weighing 42 and 41 pounds (19 kilograms) respectively and boasting 35 and 34-inch (89 and 86-centimetre) wing spans;and he pardoned retired lieutenant-general Michael Flynn,who served for 21 days as Trump's national security adviser before resigning and pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador to the US,Sergey Kislyak.

The three acts of clemency tell us few things about Trump and his state of mind.

As he refused to concede,the White House press corps had resigned itself to examining Trump's daily behaviour for signs of his intent. Attention was paid to reports that he was upgrading his personal apartments at his Florida resort,Mar-a-Lago,where he is expected to base himself after the presidency. On Tuesday Trump emerged to give what might have been his briefest ever comments in the White House press briefing room to congratulate himself on the performance of the Dow Jones. He took no questions.

Later that day came Corn and Cob's moment. Like other Trump supplicants,the turkeys spent the evening at the Trump Hotel in DC before their meeting with the President (according toThe Washington Post's David Fahrenthold,foreign dignitaries spent about $US1 million at this hotel in 2018 alone) before being transported to the White House for their role in the cheesy annual Thanksgiving tradition.

This is the sort of presidential work Trump normally throws himself into. It involves little drudgery and is performed before cameras in front of impressive West Wing locations. But Trump's heart did not seem to be in it this year. His performance was perfunctory. Again,he took no questions. Trump's very silence was beginning to reverberate. Aside from Twitter,his constant self-congratulatory blather has been central to his presidency.

The Washington Post turned to website to break it down for readers. On average in 2020,Trump spoke 8398 public words daily,the website's owner,Bill Frischling,told thePost. Since the November 3 election,he has averaged 454 words a day.

He has thrown even more time into his golfing. According to the website Trump Golf Count,the President attended his golf course in Virginia six times between November 7 and November 22,including last Sunday during a G20 summit meeting on the pandemic.

Whatever was going on in the Trump camp,the clearest sign that the machinery of American government was beginning to assert itself over Trump's election denial came on Monday when the General Services Administrator,Emily Murphy,finally prepared to stop stalling the transition of power. In normal times the GSA and Murphy's small,key role in American electoral politics would pass by unnoticed,but nothing is normal in the Trump era. It is Murphy's job to sign off on the vote in a process called ascertainment and formally commence the transition.

Citing Trump's futile lawsuits,Murphy declined to do so after the election. When she finally acted this week,she addressed her letter to"Mr Biden"rather than"President-elect Biden"and in it she complained of how her office had been criticised by the public since the election.

But it was Trump's comments on Thursday and his pardoning of Flynn that most clearly signalled his acceptance that the wheels are now in motion.

The US presidential power of pardon is godlike. Sitting presidents may pardon anyone they choose for any federal crime. They may choose a candidate from thousands of carefully vetted petitioners,or pull a name out of a hat.

Illustration:John Shakespeare

Illustration:John Shakespeare

Over the years it has been used as an instrument of mercy – such as when Barack Obama pardoned inmates serving life sentences for non-violent drug offences – and to clean up political messes – such as when president Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon pre-emptively for any charges that might spin out of the Watergate scandal. Normally the more contentious the purpose of the pardon,the later it comes in a given presidency. Bill Clinton knocked out 140 pardons on his last day in office,including one for his brother-in-law.

So far in his presidency,Trump has used his power of pardon 29 times and further commuted 16 sentences. Those pardoned include Jack Johnson,a world heavyweight champion black boxer spuriously convicted by a white jury before his death in 1946,and Roy McKeever,who pleaded guilty to a marijuana importation charge. Five people had sentences commuted at the urging of the justice reform advocate Alice Johnson.

But mostly Trump has been moved to act in the interests of political fellow travellers and allies. His first pardon went to Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County,an anti-immigration hardliner who shared Trump's passion for a southern border wall. The next high-profile move was on behalf of Lewis"Scooter"Libby,a staffer to former vice-president Dick Cheney;and not long after that came good news for Dinesh D'Souza,a Fox News regular and Trump sycophant who'd been banged up for illegal campaign donations to a Republican candidate.

But Flynn's case is in a different category,one that sits alongside Trump's commutation of the sentence of his political fixer Roger Stone. Both men were found guilty of lying to authorities about their dealings with Russia during investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. So the clemency that Trump has extended to them relates to crimes that may well have been to the benefit of Trump himself.

Other members of Trump's political network convicted for similar offences who are presumably hoping that the light of Trump's mercy shines on them include Rick Gates,George Papadopoulos and Paul Manafort. Michael Cohen,Trump's former lawyer who threatened to write a memoir after his release from prison,is probably not holding his breath.

It might be normal for presidents to save the dirtiest of their laundry for the very end of the presidency. It might be useful to know that Trump is now aware that he is in the end of his days in office.

But it remains weird and ugly that so many of his inner circle are in need of his pardon,and that so many of their convictions relate to what Trump still calls the Russia Hoax.

Larry Sabato is more blunt about it:"Trump is exactly what we've always said he is – a conman whose actions are driven purely by his own interests."

Nick O'Malley is a former Washington correspondent forThe Age andThe Sydney Morning Herald.

Trump Biden 2020

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Nick O'Malley is National Environment and Climate Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. He is also a senior writer and a former US correspondent.

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