King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia,seated,speaks with Prince Salman,right,his half-brother,in Riyadh in 2010.

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia,seated,speaks with Prince Salman,right,his half-brother,in Riyadh in 2010.Credit:Saudi Press Agency/NYT

While the Saudi king's colossal cargo hold may seem large,it is not necessarily out of scale with other world leaders. When UIS president Barack Obama visited sub-Saharan Africa in 2013,he was accompanied by 56 support vehicles,including 14 limousines,and hundreds of US Secret Service agents tasked with helping secure locations in Senegal,South Africa and Tanzania.

Even when Mr Obama travelled to less exotic locales,there were reports of a similarly high level of organisation:A 2014 visit to Brussels included a 900-person entourage and 45 vehicles,according toTheGuardian. Though the White House later disputed that figure,it said it could not provide a more accurate one due to security concerns.

Washington Post

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