Student protests in the noisy neighbour

The students gathered in a place they called Forum Square,a covered atrium at the university in Port Moresby. Bright young minds crowded onto the floor in their hundreds,others dangling their legs from the rafters above,refusing to attend class.

After five weeks of chants,petitions and demands for Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'Neill to resign,on Wednesday the students stepped up their protest – they attempted to march on parliament to support a no-confidence motion in the government.

Outside,police waited for them with tear gas and guns. When the students emerged,police opened fire.

"All the police are accomplices of Peter O'Neill and will not let us go,"one of the students,Jeremiah Yakap,told Fairfax Media during the chaotic hours that followed.

Students at University of PNG rally in Forum Square in a call for Prime Minister Peter O'Neill to step down.

Students at University of PNG rally in Forum Square in a call for Prime Minister Peter O'Neill to step down.Supplied

More than a dozen students were wounded and an already volatile climate became even more tense after it was announced in parliament that four students had been killed – though it later became clear the claim of deaths was wrong.

O'Neill blamed"agitators"for sparking the violence,saying students attacked the police with rocks. Ever since the protests began – and indeed,during the past two years as calls for him to step aside and face a corruption investigation have grown louder – O'Neill has remained defiant.

"I have heard your petition and given my response,that is the end of the matter,"he said.

But to the students,it's not the end.

Student protesters in Papua New Guinea in a stand off with police.

Student protesters in Papua New Guinea in a stand off with police.PNGFM News/Getty Images

"I don't see this going away,"says Bal Kama,who is studying a doctorate in law at the Australian National University and keeps close connection with friends at home.

"The students feel that it is their duty to champion this fight. They see themselves as the custodians of knowledge and information,and it is their responsibility to inform the public conscience."

In Australia,when PNG features at all,it has mostly been about the Manus Island detention camp,either pressure from refugee advocates to see it closed or efforts by Canberra to keep it running. But all the while the political crisis in the country has stewed.

In April,O'Neill lost a bid in the courts to stop an anti-corruption investigation into millions of dollars of fraudulent payments to a local law firm – payments that documents indicate O'Neill authorised.

The anti-corruption police were then suspended by the police chief O'Neill had himself installed. It left a sour taste for many,a reminder that O'Neill had refused to submit to an arrest warrant in 2014 to face questions about the payments. The investigation taskforce disbanded.

"I have a duty to protect the Office of the Prime Minister and if I do not,what will stop it from happening to future governments?"O'Neill has asked.

Trust in PNG is in short supply. There are international calls for an independent investigation into the violence. But it is not only the corruption claim that has fuelled the anger spreading across the country.

"What is going on in the background is there is a big economic crisis,"says Albert Schram,the vice-chancellor of the PNG University of Technology.

"We can see that in the lack of foreign currency … we've also seen some state agencies[unable to] pay their wages. We see imports decreasing dramatically,so the country is really suffering."

The PNG economy has been savaged by the sharp drop in global commodity prices. The expected riches from natural gas deposits haven't materialised,forcing a staggering 37 per cent cut last year to the national health budget. It's a similar story with education funding,while food shortages in the highlands region have resulted from severe drought.

Schram's university is in the country's second city of Lae,where students are also staging boycotts. He is careful not give his own view of the issues,but says he has chosen to respond to the protests with dialogue. The students in Lae were allowed to hold a referendum on the boycott,whereas at the University of PNG,where the violence erupted this week,the university council blocked any vote.

This has led to further anger about claims the government is politicising the university administration,curtailing its independence.

The racket from Australia's closest neighbour looks unlikely to quiet soon.

Daniel Flitton is senior correspondent for The Age covering foreign affairs and politics. He is a former intelligence analyst for the Australian government and was at one-time a university lecturer specialising in international relations.

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