ALP dividend tax plan is'big risk'for bank investors

Labor's controversial pledge to revamp tax benefits on dividends has sparked a warning from a leading fund manager that the policy was a"big risk"for investors in the nation's banks.

The federal opposition has vowed if it wins this year's election to end a situation where taxpayers receive a cash refund if they receive tax breaks on their dividends that reduce their tax bill below zero.

AFIC boss Mark Freeman has warned Labor's policy could deter investors in the banks.

AFIC boss Mark Freeman has warned Labor's policy could deter investors in the banks.Wayne Taylor

Mark Freeman,managing director at the $7 billion Australian Foundation Investment Company (AFIC) and three associated funds which are worth another $1.3 billion,said the proposed change was significant for companies that paid large fully-franked dividends,especially the major banks.

He said the overhaul - which Labor expects will raise $11 billion in revenue over four years - was another risk hanging over the big four banks,alongside the Hayne royal commission and the slowing housing market.

Speaking at the results announcement for the $700 million Djerriwarrh fund he manages,Mr Freeman said the policy was a"big risk"the fund manager would have to “re-consider” when it looked at banks and other companies that pay high fully-franked dividends.

"We would have to reconsider how we view them as an investment,"he said."Franking is still going to have some value,it's just the refundability,but I think the total risk-reward dynamic has to be looked at in a different light."

We would have to reconsider how we view them[banks] as an investment.

AFIC's Mark Freeman

Citi analysts last week predicted the overhaul of so-called franking credits could wipetens of billions off the value of the big four banks.

Mr Freeman would not predict whether the change would necessarily cut the price of bank shares,but he indicated it risked eroding demand for the stocks from self-managed super funds.

“If you take marginal investors out of the market for any asset,normal economics would suggest a lower price. That’s speculation,we don’t know,but that would be normal for any asset class,"said Mr Freeman,who has been advocating on behalf of investors who stand to lose tax refunds.

Mr Freeman said self-funded super funds in the pension phase that would be affected by Labor's plan were also important owners of bank stocks.

Labor's dividend imputation changes are another risk hanging over big four bank shares,Djerriwarrh said.

Labor's dividend imputation changes are another risk hanging over big four bank shares,Djerriwarrh said.AAP

Such investors were attracted to banks by their high fully-franked dividends - which are enhanced further by franking credit refunds - and the proposed overhaul would significantly change the"risk/reward proposition"offered by banks for this cohort of shareholders.

Even so,he also said banks remained a"reasonable"investment under current tax rules,after the slump in share prices over 2018,which has lifted the dividend yield offered by the sector. When asset prices fall,yields increase.

If it wins this year's election,Labor plans to raise an extra $11 billion in revenue over the four-year budget estimates by scrapping a rule introduced by the Howard government that allows people without a taxable income to receive a cash refund on their excess franking credits.

Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen said Australia was the only country in the world that allowed this type of tax arrangement,and the cost to the budget from excess imputation credits would"soon"be greater than what the federal government spend on childcare or schools.

"Investors should make economic decisions because of economic fundamentals not because of favourable tax treatment. The current system encourages people to be overweight in Aussie shares meaning they have not adequately spread their risk and may suffer significantly in a downturn because of this overweighting,"Mr Bowen said.

Mr Bowen said 92 per cent of taxpayers did not receive benefits from this tax rule,and"vested interests"were working to protect the tax concession.

The income-focused Djerriwarrh reported a $23.8 million half-year profit,double last year's result.

It came after a horror year for Australian fund managers in 2018,with few ending the year making any money for their investors.

The Mercer Investment Survey for 2018 showed more than half of the funds performed significantly below the S&P/ASX 300 index in both the fourth quarter and the full year.

The benchmark fell 8.4 per cent in the final three months of 2018 and 3.1 per cent in the full year.

The median return was a drop of 9.6 per cent for the fourth quarter and 3.9 per cent for the full year.

Mark Vrkic,Mercer’s Lead Specialist,Equities,said the Australian share market was driven by a flight to safety in the fourth quarter as volatility increased and market sentiment turned negative.

"Leading managers for the year were underweight banks,telecommunication and building material stocks,"he said.

Clancy Yeates is deputy business editor. He has covered banking and financial services,and was previously national business correspondent in the Canberra bureau.

Stephen Miles is a business journalist and Commercial Property Editor at The Age. He writes about property markets,trends and analysis.

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