AMP's controversial life insurance deal could now be worth even less

Senior business columnist

Regulatory obstacles generated by AMP’s relatively small New Zealand operations are threatening completion of a proposed $3.3 billion sale of its wealth protection businesses to Britain’s Resolution Life. And it could force AMP to renegotiate the deal from a weaker position than when it agreed to terms last year.

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand was revealed as the spanner in AMP’s works on Monday,with AMP announcing that Resolution had told it the RBNZ would not consider its change of control application unless it agreed to have separate,ring-fenced assets held in NZ.

AMP buildings at Circular Quay in Sydney.

AMP buildings at Circular Quay in Sydney.James Brickwood

AMP has been operating in NZ since the mid-1800s,always via a branch structure. Restructuring the business to conform to the RBNZ’s demands would involve considerable costs and complexity and probably mean quarantining capital within the business,which earned a modest $39 million last year.

More to the point,regulatory clearances were pre-conditions for the settlement of the deal with Resolution.

AMP said the failure to meet the condition precedent was exceptionally disappointing as the sale of AMP Life was a"foundational"element of AMP’s strategy.

As the transaction was unlikely to proceed in its current form,it was working with Resolution to determine whether there was a solution that addressed policyholder interests,regulatory requirements and provides certainty of execution.

"This will require negotiation of new terms and is not certain,"it said.

The failure to convince the RBNZ that NZ policyholders would be better off having access to the entire balance sheet of the AMP wealth protection operations than to a far smaller NZ subsidiary has given Resolution the opportunity to renegotiate,or walk away from,the original deal.

Given the continuing deterioration in the wealth protection units,Resolution has some leverage in any renegotiation of a deal that,initially at least,was regarded as controversial and too favourable to the British group,which specialises in acquiring life businesses in run-off mode at a discount to their embedded value.

In AMP’s case Resolution planned to buy the businesses for 82 per cent of their embedded value,with $1.9 billion of the consideration in cash and the remainder in preference shares in AMP Life,an economic interest in its future earnings and an interest in Resolution itself.

AMP’s counter-leverage,or fall-back position,in any renegotiation of the deal is that it could retain the businesses,which are closed to new business,and do with them what Resolution would have done – run them at arms’ length to continuing operations,slash costs and focus on extricating as much capital as possible as the books run down.

That’s not its preferred option,which remains an outright sale and the release of $1.5 billion of excess capital to help fund the re-making of its more contemporary wealth management businesses and return some capital to shareholders.

With the deal in limbo,AMP has flagged that it won’t pay a dividend for the first half of 2019,let alone return any capital.

The prospect of continuing to have a very large amount of capital tied up indefinitely in highly capital-intensive businesses that don’t generate returns and whose performance continues to deteriorate as claims experience blows out and lapse rates increase is an unpleasant one for AMP and its shareholders.

New chief executive Franceso De Ferrari has enough on his plate trying to develop a strategy and a new business model for the wealth management businesses,which have been experiencing heavy and accelerating net cash outflows as the fallout from the financial services royal commission continues to erode its customer base.

AMP's new chief executive Francesco De Ferrari has enough on his plate without the distraction of managing the effective liquidation of the group's troubled wealth protection businesses.

AMP's new chief executive Francesco De Ferrari has enough on his plate without the distraction of managing the effective liquidation of the group's troubled wealth protection businesses.Janie Barrett

He doesn’t need the distraction of also having to manage what is in effect the liquidation of a very large loss-making business with an ongoing appetite for capital that he could deploy elsewhere.

If the deal with Resolution were to fall over,he’d have less capital to play with and not only because AMP wouldn’t release the $1.5 billion of excess capital in its life and income protection units.

The group has been booking the earnings impacts of the wealth-protection businesses in its own profit and loss statements since June 30 last year – impacts that were in effect underwritten by Resolution had the original deal gone through smoothly – but changes to best estimate assumptions and the impact of"Protecting Your Super"legislation would together have a $700 million impact on the value of the businesses.

When the original deal with Resolution was announced there was significant criticism of its terms by some institutional shareholders and a failed attempt to protest the sale by organising a vote against the election of AMP’s chairman,David Murray,at the annual meeting earlier this year.

Given the recent performance of the wealth-protection businesses,and the scale of the challenges facing De Ferrari within the wealth management operations and the large and complex army of advisers that support them,it will be interesting to see how those shareholders respond to the prospect that the sale,and the release of capital it would enable,may not proceed. The market’s initial response was to mark AMP shares down heavily.

Stephen Bartholomeusz is one of Australia’s most respected business journalists. He was most recently co-founder and associate editor of the Business Spectator website and an associate editor and senior columnist at The Australian.

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