Climate pressure on finance giants is only just getting started

Banking reporter

This week’sflooding disaster is a grim reminder that climate change not only has a devastating physical and social toll,it is also a big deal for the financial system.

Not every case of wild weather is explained by climate change,of course. But as scientists (and insurance companies) have been saying for years,rising temperatures mean these disasters have become more frequent and they are often more extreme.

The NSW floods,pictured,have led to thousands of insurance claims and more are expected.

The NSW floods,pictured,have led to thousands of insurance claims and more are expected.Nick Moir

That reality is something the giants of Australia’s financial system know they cannot ignore,and the pressure for them to take more action will only intensify in the future.

Why? Because irrespective of what our politicians do or don’t do on climate change,it’s an increasingly mainstream issue for big investors and financial regulators.

The country’s two biggest household insurers,Insurance Australia Group and Suncorp,provide a case in point. Both have been warning about climate change risks for years,and yet they have often underestimated the cost of wild weather - even though that is their very business.

From the narrow financial perspective of the sharemarket, the likely hit to the insurers from this week’s flooding is probably manageable,because it is within their budgets and reinsurance may cover some of the expense.

Even so,the episode will probably feed into higher reinsurance expenses,which the companies will no doubt pass on to consumers in the future.

For some investors,this long-term rise in disaster costs makes insurers a higher-risk bet,with super fund giant UniSuper earlier this year saying it was taking an underweight stance towards insurers because of “wild weather.” Many others disagree,and are confident insurers can keep passing on higher disaster costs by jacking up premiums as needed.

Yet the debate on insurance is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the impact of climate change on the financial sector,which must play a key role if the world is to achieve the Paris Agreement goals of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees.

Banks and insurers have been grilled by activist investors over their response to climate change at annual shareholder meetings for years. That scrutiny and pressure will only intensify,for a bunch of reasons.

First,environmentally-conscious investing is surging in popularity. Head of responsible investments at $145 billion fund Aware Super,Liza McDonald,says disasters such as the 2019 bushfires led to a surge in calls from members about how their savings are being invested. “When these large events do occur,we do tend to get a lot of interest around what are we doing,” she says.

Second,action in the legal system has put financial institutions and their directors on notice over climate risks. Super funds were sent apowerful message by a landmark lawsuit against superannuation fund Rest over its climate disclosures last year. The case,from a 25-year-old member,Mark McVeigh,was settled with the fund agreeing to a long-term plan to have its investments align with a “net zero” emissions target by 2050.

Third,regulators have left little doubt they expect banks,insurers and superannuation funds to be assessing their entire businesses for climate risks. These could include exposure to physical risks from extreme weather;“stranded assets” that lose out as technology evolves;or businesses slugged with a carbon tax. Globally,there’s a push to get companies to report on these risks consistently,and how they’re tackling them.

IAG’s executive manager for natural perils,Mark Leplastrier,says regulators are picking up on the idea that “climate change is not a thing in the future or an airy-fairy thing”.

“There’s enough science to say it’s real,and businesses report on real risks,” he says.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) will further underline this message in the coming weeks,when it’s expected to publish a financial sector roadmap for dealing with climate risks. Later this year,it’s conducting the first climate “stress tests” of the nation’s five biggest banks,and it plans to eventually roll out similar tests across insurance companies and super funds.

The upshot of all this activity is that professional investors are under pressure to comb through their portfolios and assess climate risks — and opportunities from areas such as renewable energy or batteries.

This process is still in its early stages,but it is picking up steam.

In the last year,super funds including Aware Super and HESTA dumped their shares in pure-play thermal coal miners,which produce the coal burned in power stations. Major bankseffectively barred new lending to thermal coal mining or coal-fired electricity several years earlier.

Yet,in many ways dumping thermal coal is the easy bit,as it was a fairly small part of their portfolios anyhow and is the fossil fuel likely to be phased out first.

Illustration:Joe Benke

Illustration:Joe Benke.

The debate is now turning to oil and gas,and the extent of their role as transition fuels. This week,a group of big investors found none of Australia’s biggest emitters were doing enough to explain how they would align their future investments with pledges to reduce carbon emissions.

The head of ethics research at $5 billion fund Australian Ethical,Stuart Palmer,argues this sort of public scrutiny by investors is leading to investors challenging large emitters more,but the key question remains whether it will result in less actual investment. “We’ve certainly seen that[less investment] in the thermal coal sector,and there are signs that capital flows into oil and gas are also being affected,” Palmer says.

He says the attention on climate risk from regulators,and through the courts,has also driven “more mainstream acceptance around board tables and investment committees that climate change is a material financial risk that needs to be managed,now.”

But if we’re to meet the “net zero” goal by 2050,it’s going to require far more radical action than what the financial sector has implemented so far.

It’s fair to say the pressure on financial giants to grapple with climate change risk is only just getting started.

Ross Gittins is on leave

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Clancy Yeates is deputy business editor. He has covered banking and financial services,and was previously national business correspondent in the Canberra bureau.

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