Mortgage arrears tipped to exceed GFC as debt worries grow

The economic hit inflicted by coronavirus will cause more severe stress in Australia's mortgage market than what was experienced during the global financial crisis,Standard&Poor's says,with self-employed borrowers at the most risk.

Uncertainty over how the pandemic will affect the nation's $1.7 trillion in mortgage debt has also prompted Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia,which is highly exposed to rising defaults,to withdraw its profit guidance.

Mortgage arrears will rise higher than during the global financial crisis,says S&P.

Mortgage arrears will rise higher than during the global financial crisis,says S&P.Rob Homer

As bank investors brace for higher bad and doubtful debts,S&P Global Ratings analyst Erin Kitson said she expected the rate of mortgage arrears to rise more sharply than during the 2008 global financial crisis.

"We currently expect increases in arrears to be higher than during the 2008 global financial crisis,given the wide-ranging effects on the economy stemming from the sudden disruption to economic activity. Arrears will also rise much sooner than they did during the financial crisis,"Ms Kitson said,commenting on mortgage-backed securities.

The rate of mortgage arrears,which refers to the proportion of customers who are behind on their loan repayments,is a key measure of credit quality for banks. Home loans are the largest type of asset held on Australian bank balance sheets,but they are viewed as lower risk than business loans. Ms Kitson noted the government's stimulus package and hardship relief measures from banks would limit some of the damage.

Australia avoided a housing meltdown in the GFC,with mortgage arrears rising to 1.69 per cent after the 2008 crisis,from a pre-crisis average of about 1.40 per cent. Latest S&P data said mortgage arrears were 1.36 per cent in January,up from 1.28 per cent last December.

The prediction from S&P came as Genworth on Thursday withdrew its profit guidance in response to the coronavirus crisis and its impact on housing,saying it was too hard to provide forecasts in the current environment.

Shares in Genworth,which provides cover for banks against customers defaulting,rallied sharply by 21 per cent to $1.82 in late afternoon trade on Thursday. Genworth shares are still about 50 per cent lower than late February,when they were trading above $3.50.

“Genworth is committed to safeguarding the interests of its people,customers,shareholders and other stakeholders and we are also mindful of our social responsibility to do our part to support the community,"chief executive Pauline Blight-Johnston said.

Morningstar analyst Nathan Zaia said Genworth would be highly exposed in the event of a severe recession including sharply higher unemployment."I think arguably it's one of the most leveraged to us having a recession,"he said.

With unemployment rising sharply as tens of thousands of workers are stood down,banks have said consumers can defer their mortgage repayments by up to six months,and also slashed fixed interest rates.

The Commonwealth Bank on Thursday said it was fielding eight times as many calls from customers as usual,as it launched a publicity campaign explaining the assistance available.

ANZ Bank chief executive Shayne Elliott said the crisis could be the industry's chance to redeem itself,but banks would be judged on their actions rather than their words.

"We have a real opportunity to stand up and be seen to play our role in what is going to be a very,very difficult period of time,"he said on ABC radio.

Clancy Yeates is deputy business editor. He has covered banking and financial services,and was previously national business correspondent in the Canberra bureau.

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