One area where the banks are getting it right:curbing coal

Banking reporter

Amid all the excitement over the bank royal commission,in the dying days of 2017 there were important changes at several of the big four that you may have missed.

It became crystal clear the big four will no longer be backing the expansion of thermal coal mining,or coal-fired electricity,thus speeding up the economy’s shift towards renewable energy.

The big banks have effectively ruled out financing the expansion of thermal coal mining or coal-fired electricity.

The big banks have effectively ruled out financing the expansion of thermal coal mining or coal-fired electricity.

I know,this change has probably happened more slowly than it should have. And sure,the banks are cutting off coal financing for their own commercial reasons. Many would like to see them take a tougher stance towards other carbon-intensive industries such as liquefied natural gas.

Yet for all their well-documented flaws,the banks are now sending a much clearer signal to some of our most carbon-intensive industries than the last 10 years of policy confusion on climate change from Canberra. That’s right,those evil banks are probably doing more to curb the role of coal than the Turnbull government.

National Australia Bank has arguably taken the strongest position in moving away from coal. Its chairman Ken Henry told shareholders in December that it would rule out all financing of projects to mine thermal coal,the type used in power stations.

That was welcomed by the environmental finance group Market Forces,which said NAB was ahead of rivals on this front,and joining the ranks of many big banks and insurance companies overseas.

Commonwealth Bank also stated publicly its coal financing was heading down and this would continue. Sounds obvious,perhaps,but it is an important signal that close watchers say effectively rules out backing new thermal coal mines.

ANZ Bank chief Shayne Elliott also admitted last month banks had probably been too slow in listening to environmental concerns,as he flagged it would use incentives to influence how their corporate customers affected the environment,and even dump customers that didn't share its"values".

It already has a policy that restricts lending to coal power stations,and coal mining exposure is down more than 50 per cent in the past two years.

And earlier in 2017,Westpac ruled out new lending in previously undeveloped coal basins,or for coal with low energy content.

For deeply conservative institutions such as banks,that are all too aware of the risks of annoying politicians,these are significant shifts.

Rob Henderson,former chief economist at NAB Markets,says it is clear from the big four banks'various statements and policy positions they won't be backing any major new coal mines,or coal-fired power,from here on in.

Henderson is taking an interest in environmental issues after working at NAB,and last year made a submission with other"concerned economists"on the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility.

“I think you can now say pretty much categorically that the big four banks have ruled out funding any significant new developments in the coal or the coal-generation areas,” says Henderson.

But so what? Why does this matter if banks won't fund new coal?

It matters because the big four banks are the dominant source of business loans in this country. Their actions have a real impact on future investment. Figures last year showed there had already been a change,with banksslamming the brakes on lending to new coal projects since 2015.

And get this – they are doing it for cold-hearted commercial reasons as much as anything else.

The fact is,their boards may have a hard time justifying big investments that would lift their exposure to the most carbon-intensive fossil fuels at the moment. Even without a carbon price,common sense says we'll have to start burning less coal to meet climate change goals,notably the Paris agreement to limit global warming to no more than 2 degrees,to which all of the banks have agreed.

Indeed,a speech from Australian Prudential Regulation Authority member Geoff Summerhayes in late November said APRA saw a"prudential threat"from climate change.

Summerhayes’ key message was that he had"absolute certainty"the move towards a lower-emission economy was well under way. Such a big shift clearly raises the prospect of carbon-intensive assets being"stranded",and bank boards have a duty to consider that risk.

"Institutions that fail to adequately plan for this transition put their own futures in jeopardy,with subsequent consequences for their account holders,members or policyholders,"Summerhayes said.

That is a fairly clear signal for boards to be thinking hard about climate change exposure as a genuine business risk.

Yet the contrast with how some in government want to spend our taxes could hardly be more stark.

While the government on one hand pledges its commitment to reducing carbon emissions,senior cabinet ministers appear determined to use public money to prop up new coal mining projects or coal-fired electricity generation,because the banks won’t.

Minister for Resources and Northern Australia Matt Canavan,for instance,has repeatedly argued the $5 billion Northern Australia Infrastructure Fund should be able to fund coal projects that are struggling to get finance from the private sector.

When the industry that specialises in assessing risk has decided it doesn’t want to touch these types of projects anymore,does that sound like sensible use of your tax dollars?

Ross Gittins is on leave.

Clancy Yeates is deputy business editor. He has covered banking and financial services,and was previously national business correspondent in the Canberra bureau.

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