Suncorp CEO calls for tax reform to reduce insurance premiums

Suncorp chief executive Steve Johnston has called on the government to make insurance tax-free to reverse the trend of soaring premiums caused by repeated natural disasters,as the insurer takes control of its supply lines in the face of rising inflation.

The east coast floods have exposed the creeping affordability crisis of insurance premiums in communities that are affected by extreme weather,with thousands of uninsured people grappling with how to rebuild their homes.

Mr Johnston hit out at the current approach to taxing insurance and called for reform,claiming GST,stamp duty and the emergency services levy make up between 30 and 45 per cent of premiums sold in Queensland and NSW.

Suncorp CEO has called on the government to make insurance tax-free.

Suncorp CEO has called on the government to make insurance tax-free.Paul Harris

“It seems to be the most inefficient use of taxes and charges and leads to and compounds affordability issues,” he said. “There’s a high correlation between low-income communities and flood risk.”

Mr Johnston said the tax burden on top of insurance premiums created a “huge disincentive” for Australians to take out home insurance cover. “If those taxes came off that would immediately create a more affordable insurance market.”

Insurers have received more than 126,000 claims from the east coast flood crisis to date and the Insurance Council of Australia has warned that labour and material shortages could delay the recovery process.

The COVID-19 pandemic had already created supply chain blockages and now surging demand for builders and rising inflation have combined to create a unique set of challenges. Suncorp’s chief operating officer Paul Smeaton said the insurer was fending off inflationary pressures by bulk buying building supplies from around the country.

“We recently deployed bulk buy. We previously used to rely on the buying power of the builders. We’re now buying nationally,” he said. “We recently renegotiated categories of paint,roofing,flooring and waste,which are pretty handy categories to have bulk buy on when we’re going into this flood event.”

Mr Johnston reiterated his support for an overhaul of planning laws amid a national discussion around building permits issued to disaster prone areas. He said the current regulatory processes for new developments were inadequate.

“This is an issue that stretches back more than 100 years,there’s no fault of any particular level of government or recent government,” he said.

“It’s time we drew a line to improve the quality of our planning and development laws and we look to create planning laws that are more appropriate for risks we face today,rather than 100 years ago.”

Suncorp has received 34,000 claims related to the flood event to date but confirmed its reinsurance cover,insurance for insurers,would be sufficient to cover the costs. However,reinsurers are losing interest in Australia because of the escalating risk profile and higher costs will need to be passed onto customers in the form of higher premiums.

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Charlotte Grieve is an investigative journalist.

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