'What do we have to lose':soft touch ASIC laid bare at commission

The corporate regulator's reluctance to prosecute the big banks has been laid bare at the royal commission after it emerged senior staff at the watchdog opposed taking action against National Australia Bank over a home loan fraud.

The revelation came as Australian Securities and Investments Commission chairman James Shipton gave assurances during his evidence at the commission that he would ensure ASIC was no longer seen as being too close to the banks and one that didn’t apply the full force of the law.

ASIC chair James Shipton admits to the Royal Commission the regulator took too long to investigate NAB for a breach despite knowing about the problem for years.

During Thursday's hearing,counsel assisting Rowena Orr,QC,confronted Mr Shipton with an internal email by senior manager Kevin Foo in July that detailed a discussion of a meeting at ASIC about whether to take action against the bank.

Following the meeting,ASIC launched an investigation intoNAB for breaches of the law relating to an alleged fraud ring rorting its home loan introducer program to win big commissions by bribing branch managers,the royal commision heard.

Mr Foo's email showed there was a serious consideration given to doing nothing.

According to the email,then ASIC deputy chairman Peter Kell advised against ASIC taking any action against the bank.

“Peter[Kell] wanted to test these ideas and tempered the discussion with comment that taking no further action might be the right decision,we just need the right narrative,” Mr Foo says in his email.

The email also shows commissioner Cathie Armour,the chair of ASIC’s enforcement committee,had pushed for NAB to be subject to an enforceable undertaking and make a payment to a community benefit fund rather than prosecution.

The email notes “What do we have to lose from doing this”.

The email also lists a range of reasons against taking action against NAB including that the matter was reported to ASIC “in a fairly timely manner” despite it being reported after the required time frame and that the bank’s independent review by KPMG had done a “reasonable job (or not a bad job to cause us concern)” assessing the issue.

ASIC chairman James Shipton at the royal commission hearing on Thursday.

ASIC chairman James Shipton at the royal commission hearing on Thursday.AAP

Ms Orr took Mr Shipton to task over the email saying it demonstrated ASIC’s reluctance to take action even since he was appointed chairman a year ago.

Mr Shipton pointed to the part of Mr Foo’s email that showed he had wanted to take action against NAB to send a message to the banks about home loan fraud.

“In my view,and I expressed this when this conversation was happening,we should be pursuing much harder,much tougher action and we ultimately did,” he said.

Counsel assisting Rowena Orr QC,at the banking royal commission.

Counsel assisting Rowena Orr QC,at the banking royal commission.Supplied

A clearly frustrated Ms Orr shot back:"It's the antithesis of that,isn't it,Mr Shipton,the view that's expressed here? Let's not investigate further,let's just ask NAB for an enforceable undertaking with a community benefit payment. We've got nothing to lose from doing that and we will then be seen to have publicly responded to the evidence in the royal commission?"

Mr Shipton said that was a view that may have been expressed at the meeting.

“But ultimately we decided to pursue an investigation and an investigation has commenced in this matter."

Responding to news of the investigation,a spokeswoman from NAB said the bank was engaging with ASIC and it had made significant changes to its introducer program to stop the issue from happening again.

Earlier,Mr Shipton was forced to defend the regulator's relationship with the big banks after being challenged at the royal commission over possible inconsistencies in his evidence.

Mr Shipton was challenged after he claimed ASIC did not discuss the findings of its reports into issues in the sector with the banks that were subject to the review prior to publishing.

Ms Orr then showed Mr Shipton a document from October 2017 that showed ASIC had held a meeting with Westpac to discuss the findings of its report into adviser operated accounts practices by the big four banks and AMP.

The document showed Westpac giving feedback on the findings in the report. Mr Shipton said that just because ASIC held a discussion with Westpac about the report before it was made public did not mean it was not a one-way discussion where Westpac just outlined its concerns.

Mr Shipton will continue to give evidence on Friday.

Sarah Danckert is a business reporter who specialises in investigations and corporate wrongdoing. She is a two-time Walkley Award winner,and has won five Quill Awards and two Kennedy Awards.

Clancy Yeates is deputy business editor. He has covered banking and financial services,and was previously national business correspondent in the Canberra bureau.

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