ACCC fines on radar for potential RFG suitors

The potential for future fines and penalties are expected to be factored into any bailout deal for the scandal-prone Retail Food Group,which is being investigated for breaches of consumer law over its treatment of franchisees.

RFG,which owns the well-know brands Gloria Jeans,Michel's Patisserie,Brumby's and Donut King,on Tuesday confirmed it had received a $160 million refinancing offer from Sydney fund Soliton Capital,which is backed by Hong Kong's SSG Capital.

Former Michel's Patisserie franchisee Devi Trimuryani is leading a class action against RFG.

Former Michel's Patisserie franchisee Devi Trimuryani is leading a class action against RFG.MARINA NEIL

RFG said it had given Soliton"limited exclusivity"for further discussions and due diligence,after talking to a number of local and global funds about debt and equity deals to help it pay down its crushing $260 million debt.

The Age andThe Sydney Morning Herald are aware that at least one fund which had engaged with RFG gave serious consideration to potential liabilities they could be left with from Australian Competition and Consumer Commission action.

The ACCC has confirmed it is investigating RFG for possible breaches under Australian Consumer Law and the Franchising Code of Conduct relating to how it has dealt with its store owners.

The company could face a fine per breach of up to 10 per cent of its annual turnover,which would be $37 million based on last financial year's revenue. Breaches of the Franchising Code can attract penalties of up to $63,000.

With a market value sitting at $40 million on Wednesday,a significant fine stemming from the ACCC's investigation could be a heavy blow for RFG and any major new investor.

A parliamentary inquiry into franchising in March called for the ACCC,Australia Securities and Investments Commission(ASIC) and the tax office to investigate RFG over possibleinsider trading,market non-disclosure breaches and tax avoidance.

Meanwhile,Michel's Patisserie franchisees have launched a class action against RFGalleging unconscionable conduct that resulted in loss or damage.

RFG is also facing scrutiny over when it disclosed the deal with Soliton was in the works,after its shares surged 70 per cent within three trading days ahead of the revelation.

Vas Kolesnikoff,a corporate governance expert and head of Australian research at proxy advisors Institutional Shareholder Services,said the massive price surge suggested news of the deal had leaked.

He said RFG should have acted earlier under continuous disclosure rules by putting itself in a trading halt or updating the market on the deal.

“Certainly,the unusual trading would,by retrospective review,suggest that something should have been done,"Mr Kolesnikoff said.

“With information coming to light and the company confirming it,that would suggest that somebody knew something."

Both the ASX and ASIC are looking at trading in the company's shares since Friday. ASIC can pursue companies for breaching disclosure laws.

The ASX sent RFG a"please explain"on Monday about the share price rise,but the company said it did not have any news that had not already been disclosed to the market.The Age andSMH exclusivelyrevealed it was close to reaching a deal with Soliton on Tuesday afternoon.

After surging from 14¢ on Friday morning to a high of 24¢ on Tuesday,RFG shares fell to as low as 20¢ on Wednesday as investors digested news they would likely be significantly diluted in any bailout deal.

However,the stock rallied again in the late afternoon to close at 22¢.

Patrick Hatch is transport reporter at The Age and a former business reporter.

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