After earlier flirtations,Vodafone and TPG ready for steady relationship

There are several milestones that form the background to the"merger of equals’’ discussions now underway between Vodafone Hutchison and TPG Telecom,the earliest of which was probably the infamous"Vodafail’’ that occurred in 2010.

Vodafone,distracted by its merger with Hutchison’s"3’’ network and taken unprepared by the explosion in data usage ignited by the launch of smart phones,lost about 2.5 million customers and 10 percentage points of market share,mainly to Telstra.

Vodafone and TPG are looking at a merger.

Vodafone and TPG are looking at a merger.Glenn Hunt

Despite the big and continuing investments in its network,and encouraging recent performances,it has never really recovered that lost ground or dented the dominance its failures awardedTelstra in particular and Optus to a lesser degree.

Another major moment,and one that entwined the two companies,occurred in 2015 when they entered a 15-year,$1 billion agreement for Vodafone to use TPG’s dark fibre network and for TPG to switch allegiances from Optus and become a re-seller of Vodafone’s mobile services. In the process they created direct links between their systems and networks.

Thus an actual merger,one long-speculated,would help address Vodafone’s issue of an under-utilised network and be a natural progression in the relationship with TPG.

It would,if the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission doesn’t block it,also produce very rational and synergistic outcomes.

Vodafone now has a first-class network with a customer base that,while it has been growing,is sub-optimal. TPG is still building a wireless network to complement its fixed line network and enable it to compete more effectively in a post-NBN environment. While Vodafone has wider geographical coverage,both networks are metro-focused.

They both face the reality that a 5G environment is looming,necessitating big additional spends on their networks and spectrum.

The October auction of 3.6GHz spectrum is likely to be hotly contested by Telstra,Vodafone and TPG,which (unlike Optus) have limited holdings of the spectrum in metro areas most suitable for5G.

TPG chief executive David Teoh's stake could be diluted in any deal.

TPG chief executive David Teoh's stake could be diluted in any deal.Daniel Munoz

There would,therefore,be significant savings in both the capital to reposition their networks for 5G services and investment in the spectrum to enable those services,along with more conventional synergies from putting two complementary businesses together.

Vodafone’s strength is its mobile network and customers,although it has also been re-selling NBN fixed line services. TPG’s is in its fixed line infrastructure and its fixed broadband customer base.

Together they’d have complementary infrastructure,denser wireless coverage in urban centres,a bigger customer base to sell the full suite of telecommunications services to and,given that it is logical Vodafone would be sold into the listed TPG,a market capitalisation of about $12 billion.

The reference to"merger of equals’’ in their confirmation of the discussions signals the likely structure.

Vodafone is a joint venture between Vodafone Plc and Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-Shing’s Hutchison group. Presumably they would each end up with 25 per cent of an enlarged TPG,diluting – roughly halving - the 34 per cent stake of the dynamic TPG founder,David Teoh unless there were another element to the transaction.

Stephen Bartholomeusz is one of Australia’s most respected business journalists. He was most recently co-founder and associate editor of the Business Spectator website and an associate editor and senior columnist at The Australian.

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