Facing a volatile future,BHP warns mining sector needs to transform

The resources industry is headed for an"increasingly volatile"future due to the growing pressure to cut greenhouse gas emissions and rising geopolitical instability,according to Australia's biggest miner,BHP.

As climate activists prepare for another day of protests at the International Mining and Resources Conference in Melbourne,BHP chief transformation officer Jonathan Price will outline a series of challenges which he says demand urgent action from mining executives as they"will only grow in the future".

Two protesters were arrested for animal cruelty.

Two protesters were arrested for animal cruelty.AAP

Among them are the growing emphasis on environmental,social and governance pressures and the need to transition to a lower-carbon world,Mr Price says in a speech to be delivered on Wednesday.

Other challenges include the threat to global economic growth posed by conflicts such as the US-China trade war,and the struggle to attract the right talent to work in the sector.

"The global backdrop against which we operate is increasingly volatile,"he says."We need to be more agile to face an uncertain future."

The comments come with heavy emitters and fossil fuel producers worldwide are under mounting pressure from protesters andclimate-conscious investors. In violent confrontations outside the mining conference at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre on Tuesday,dozens of activists were arrested and multiple people were injured as the crowd blocked entrances to stop mining delegates from attending.

Mining executives inside the conference centre were critical of the protesters,accusing them of overlooking the positive contributions of mining.

BHP chief transformation officer Jonathan Price.

BHP chief transformation officer Jonathan Price.Elke Meitzel

Mike Nossal,chief development officer at Newcrest,Australia’s largest gold miner,said protesters yelled"Shame! Aren’t you ashamed?"at him when he entered the building on Tuesday.

“It made me think:I’m not ashamed,but I think it’s a huge shame that people aren’t looking at the benefits that mining brings in developing countries,” he said."We are sitting here as a country that has got to be one of the richest in the world,largely off the back of natural resources,and we are trying to export that thinking to places like Papua New Guinea,to places like Ecuador ... and give some of those advantages to those countries."

As well,Mr Nossal said,the mining sector had come to recognise sustainability as core to the long-term success of their businesses.

Mr Price is overseeing a $500 million decarbonisation fund to cut not only BHP's own emissions but also those generated by consumers of its products such as coal and iron ore.

BHP this year became the first miner to set public goals targeting these indirect emissions,known as"scope 3"emissions."History teaches us about the dangers of complacency – just ask Kodak and Blockbuster,” Mr Price says.

Fortescue Metals Group chairman Andrew Forrest and CEO Elizabeth Gaines at the company's AGM.

Fortescue Metals Group chairman Andrew Forrest and CEO Elizabeth Gaines at the company's AGM.Stephen Bell

Speaking at Fortescue Metals Group's shareholder meeting in Perth on Tuesday,Fortescue's founder and chairman,Andrew'Twiggy'Forrest was defiant when grilled about what the company would do about scope 3 emissions.

He said Fortescue could not control what their customers did,and lamented comparisons to BHP and Rio Tinto's recent scope 3 announcements,describing them as"sugar hits"designed to gain headlines.

"Some of these companies have made broad statements about things that they're doing … that's not how we roll,” he said.

"We’re not here for a headline or a sugar hit,we're here to lead by example."

Mr Forrest said the company had passed up"dozens"of highly profitable coal opportunities and was investing in tangible technologies such as hydrogen and solar.

"We can make sure we get our own house in order and we can do everything possible as quickly as possible to get to zero net carbon emissions,"he said.

"We turn our backs on[coal opportunities] because we don't think they're the future,we don't think in the long term they're best for our world either."

Nick Toscano is a business reporter for The Age and Sydney Morning Herald.

Hamish Hastie is WAtoday's state political reporter and the winner of five WA Media Awards,including the 2023 Beck Prize for best political journalism.

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