Foxtel limbers up for its public listing,but wants to be match fit

Business columnist

Foxtel’s elephant in the room still loomed large after the pay TV group fronted the industry on its inaugural strategy day. A couple of hours of slick marketing didn’t directly address the question of when its two owners would hit the button on its IPO.

But Thursday’s presentation was clearly a warming up exercise that allowed the guests,which included investment analysts,an insight into the company’s ambitions for subscriber growth,the levers it’s employing to increase cash flow and the means by which it will further attack its cost base.

Just when to time a Foxtel listing will be a balancing act for its owners News Corp and Telstra.

Patrick Delany has transformed Foxtel.

Patrick Delany has transformed Foxtel.supplied

It needs to have sufficient subscriber growth runs on the board from its streaming brands to establish that the growth is sustainable. At the same time,it needs to establish over a decently long time frame that the bleed from its traditional broadcast businesses has stabilised - or at least been reduced to a manageable trickle.

Would-be investors need reliable data on both in order to have confidence that growth of the streaming businesses will outweigh the decline from the old Foxtel business that relied on satellite as an expensive means of product delivery.

Investors will need at least another quarter’s worth of numbers and probably another half year of detail on subscribers,cash flow and earnings to have comfort that the weight of the old Foxtel anchor isn’t too heavy.

Needless to say thanks to its primary streaming services,Kayo and Binge,Foxtel markets itself as a ‘disruptor’ rather than a company shackled with legacy assets that have been disrupted.

But it is both. And this will inform its value when it ultimately lists on the stock market.

As fast as Foxtel chief executive Patrick Delany and his team have been pedaling to introduce new products and new technologies that enhance the group’s growth profile,there is a huge rump of the old business that still has plenty of subscribers - and it has a long tail.

Some of these satellite customers are very valuable in terms of the revenue they generate but they are in decline.

And this is why analysts will differ on whether to categorise Foxtel as a growth stock and will probably apply a multiple to its earnings more akin to traditional media companies such as Nine (which owns Foxtel competitor Stan and this masthead) and Seven West Media.

At one end of the spectrum there is a view that the value of Foxtel’s equity could be around $1.5 billion,while at the other end a valuation of $4 billion has been bandied about - however,the larger figure could be a measure of the company’s enterprise value. Either way,this is not a game-changer for Telstra and Rupert Murdoch who probably see the IPO as more of a liquidity event and a tidying up exercise rather than a cash generative exercise.

Indeed part of the proceeds may be used to repay the $1 billion in debt owed to shareholders - paving the way for Foxtel to come to market with a more robust balance sheet.

While News and Telstra are sure to maintain some stake as cornerstone investors,a listed Foxtel Group would presumably have more freedom to pursue its own agenda with less interference from New York.

Delany has done a remarkable job since he moved over from Fox Sports in 2018 in addressing the structural decline in the old business.

Management’s challenge is to limit the revenue decline of the old Foxtel operations,cut its cost base and maximise the growth from its streaming services. It has also foreshadowed that capital expenditure will decrease quite sharply - an outcome that will further boost cash flows.

Delany has done a remarkable job since he moved over from Fox Sports in 2018 in addressing the structural decline in the old business.

Technology has been a major enabler of its transformation to a “capital lite” model.

There is already clear evidence that the group’s ability to generate cash has improved over time. Indeed Foxtel,which hit its highest ever profit in 2014 of around $1 billion,generated roughly the same amount of cash it did in financial year 2021 when it posted earnings before interest tax depreciation and amortisation of $460 million.

But even as a streaming service Foxtel will have challenges,not the least of which is competition particularly for its Binge service. While Netflix dominates this market,new entrants are rapidly joining the list of services from which Australian consumers can choose.

It and others such as Stan have the additional challenge that content suppliers are now creating their own direct-to-customer streaming services. Binge is considered vulnerable to the contract it has with HBO - rumoured to expire in two years.

The star in the Foxtel portfolio is considered to be Kayo - having put its foot on most of the big audience Australian sports. And in the sports arena competition is thin on the ground with only Stan’s sports streaming service the other game in town.

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Elizabeth Knight comments on companies,markets and the economy.

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